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词汇 comparing
例句 She learned to stop putting herself down and comparing herself to others.她学会了不再自我贬低,拿自己与别人相比。She wrote an essay comparing two poems.她写了篇文章将两首诗进行比较。The women were busily comparing notes on the queen's outfit.女人们忙着交换对女王衣着的看法。It's worth comparing a range of models before deciding which one to buy.比较一下各种型号,然后再决定买哪一种,这是值得的。In comparing the two documents, researchers have noted some surprising likenesses. 对比两份文件,研究者们发现了一些惊人的相似之处。It's always worth comparing prices before you buy.买之前货比三家总是值得的。When you're comparing costs from different decades, you need to make allowance for inflation. 在比较不同年代的开销时,你要把通货膨胀考虑进去。They were comparing notes on each other's progress towards solving that most taxing of all puzzles: the riddle of the human genome.他们就解决人类所面临的最大难题,即人类基因组之谜的进展情况交换了意见。When comparing cultures, we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities.比较不同的文化时,我们往往只注意到其中的差异,而忽略了那许多相似之处。He is now comparing notes with his co-workers about the job.他现在就工作问题与同事交换意见。Attempts to relate studies on animals to those on humans are not really comparing like with like.试图将对动物的研究和对人类的研究联系起来并不是对两种相似的事物进行比较。The salesperson verifies the signature by comparing it with the one on the card.销售人员把签名和卡上的字迹进行对比核实。Research psychologists normalize the results of their studies by comparing their subjects' behaviour with that of the general public.研究心理学家们通过将其研究对象的行为和大众行为比较来使其研究成果标准化。She's always comparing me to other people, and somehow I never measure up.她总是拿我和别人比较,不知为什么我永远比不过。




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