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例句 He smiled broadly as he greeted us.他笑容满面地跟我们打招呼。The wood fire laughs broadly through the room.炉火给整个房间带来欢快气氛。The new law has been broadly welcomed.新法规受到了人们的普遍欢迎。The anthology is broadly chronological.这本选集大体上是按时间顺序编排的。The new law has been broadly welcomed by road safety organisations.这部新法律受到了道路安全机构的普遍欢迎。The trend is broadly distributed and not just a big-city phenomenon.此趋势广泛扩散,并非是一个仅出现在大城市的现象。We define education very broadly and students can study any aspect of its consequences for society.我们对教育的定义非常宽泛,学生们可以就其给社会带来的影响的任一方面进行研究。The book is broadly concerned with the oil industry.这本书大体上是讲石油业的。He beamed broadly at them, clearly very pleased to see them.他对他们眉开眼笑,显然见到他们非常高兴。Profits are broadly in line with expectations.利润大体上与预期相符。We invest broadly to lessen the risk.我们多方投资,以降低风险。Only large, broadly focused companies can compete in this market.只有产品多元化的大型公司才能在这个市场竞争。She knows broadly what to expect.她大致知道会有什么结果。She sat back down again, grinning broadly.她眉开眼笑地再度坐回座位上。The government has broadly endorsed the research paper.政府基本上认可这一研究报告。The idea that software is capable of any task is broadly true.认为软件无所不能的观点基本正确。He jumped up, grinning broadly.他跳了起来,咧嘴大笑。This report is divided broadly into two parts.报告大致分两部分。There are, broadly speaking, three ways in which this is done.做这件事大致上有三种方法。The matter ranges more broadly than considerations that are appropriate for the more specialized purview of this book.这个问题涉及面更广,而这本书是在较为专业的范围内加以探讨,因而这个问题不是这本书应该考虑的。He hinted broadly that he would like to come.他已经明白暗示他想来。They talked for several minutes, Frederick smiling broadly and nodding his head vigorously every so often.他们交谈了几分钟,弗雷德里克偶尔咧开嘴笑着并用力点头。Prosperity and economic success remain popular and broadly shared goals.经济繁荣昌盛一直是各国普遍追求的共同目标。Tigers are broadly/loosely defined as large cats.老虎被泛泛地界定为大型猫科动物。The party has a broadly socialist orientation.该政党大体上是倾向社会主义的。The two wars followed broadly the same pattern.两次战争大体上遵循了相同的模式。The President broadly got what he wanted out of his meeting.总统在他召开的这次会议上基本上算是如愿以偿。Her job is broadly similar to mine.她的工作和我的大体相似。He leaned towards me and grinned broadly.他朝我倾过来,龇牙咧嘴地笑着。There are growing signs of more broadly-based popular unrest.越来越多的迹象表明,民众骚乱呈现扩大化趋势。Most film locations broadly fit into two categories; those on private property and those in a public place.多数电影的拍摄场地大致归为两类:私人宅院与公共场地。The two groups have broadly similar aims.这两个团体目标大致相似。She smiled broadly when her name was called.叫到她名字的时候,她喜笑颜开。This theory has turned out to be broadly true in practice.这个理论在实践中已被证明是大体正确的。The Russians took a broadly neutral position.俄罗斯采取了大体上中立的立场。He appeared in the doorway grinning broadly.他喜笑颜开地出现在门口。Both factions have broadly agreed that the UN plan is a possible basis for negotiation.双方大致同意联合国的计划可能成为谈判的基础。The climate is broadly similar in the two regions.这两个地区的气候大致相似。The proposal was broadly welcomed by teachers.该提议受到教师们的普遍欢迎。Their proposals are broadly in line with the government's ideas.他们的提议与政府的意见大体上一致。




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