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词汇 Brighton
例句 His body was taken to Brighton mortuary for identification.他的尸体被送到布赖顿停尸室确认身份。An accident on the London-Brighton road has caused a major hold-up.在伦敦至布赖顿公路上的一次交通事故引起了严重的堵塞。The two of them set up house in Brighton.他们俩在布莱顿建立了家庭。Let's go back to Brighton, for old times' sake.为怀念昔日的时光,让我们回布赖顿吧。The other day, in a little church near Brighton, a window was dedicated to the memory of the Revd. Michael Scott.几天前,在布赖顿附近的一个小教堂,人们以一扇窗户来纪念迈克尔·斯科特牧师。Police in Brighton are on the lookout for a gang of car thieves.布赖顿警方正在搜捕一个盗车团伙。Brighton is definitely a happening place.布赖顿绝对是个时尚之地。Cavan's call was traced to a call box in Brighton.经追查,卡万的电话打自布莱顿的一个电话亭。So it's the thumbs up for Brighton's latest nightclub.那么这就是对布赖顿最近开的那个夜总会表示认可了。I cadged a lift down to Brighton with some friends.我和几位朋友搭便车到布赖顿。At the election she was returned as MP for Brighton.在这次选举中,她当选为代表布赖顿市的下议院议员。Brighton have too many experienced players to crumble just because we are in town.布赖顿队有很多经验丰富的队员,他们不会因为我们在城里就丧失斗志。The elegant buildings on the sea front give us a glimpse of Brighton's more glorious past.滨海区精美的建筑让我们看到了布赖顿辉煌的过去。I'd been to Brighton for a holiday, and I think it was bang on.我去布赖顿度了假,我认为过得极好。Can you recommend a good bed and breakfast near Brighton?你能为我推荐一家布赖顿附近提供住宿和早餐的旅馆吗?Gatwick is about halfway between London and Brighton.盖特威克大约位于伦敦和布赖顿的中间。And so I wrote in to Radio Brighton.因此我给布赖顿广播电台写了信。He comes from a drab dormitory town five stops from Brighton.他来自于距离布赖顿五站地的一个枯燥乏味的郊外住宅区。Stan Reilly is not really one of your typical Brighton Boys.斯坦·赖利其实并不是那种典型的布赖顿男孩。Seaside resorts such as Blackpool and Brighton are preparing for a tourist invasion.像布莱克浦与布赖顿这样的海滨胜地正为游客的大批涌入做准备。There will be delays to trains on the London-Brighton line.伦敦至布赖顿线的火车将会推迟发车。She goes to a posh girls’ school near Brighton.她在布赖顿附近的一所贵族女校上学。Visitors fill Brighton's streets during the summer.夏天,游客挤满了布赖顿的大街小巷。Don't forget to bring your swimming things when we go to Brighton.我们去布赖顿的时候别忘记带泳装。So we all travelled down to Brighton together.所以我们一起都去了布莱顿。When he sat down at Brighton the applause was lukewarm.他在布赖顿落座时,掌声稀稀拉拉。Brighton welcomes careful drivers.布赖顿喜欢谨慎小心的司机。The British Labor Party concludes its annual conference today in Brighton.英国工党的年度会议今天在布赖顿闭幕。Brighton is meant to be very beautiful at this time of year. 布莱顿每年这个时候应该是非常漂亮的。We set off for Brighton in good spirits.我们兴致勃勃地动身前往布赖顿。Here's a picture of us larging it up in Brighton last summer.这是一张我们去年夏天在布莱顿狂欢的照片。




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