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例句 The hoax made national news, and people were talking about it for weeks afterwards.这个恶作剧成了全国新闻,几个星期之后仍旧是人们的话题。The rain was still coming down in buckets when we went back out.我们出门向回走的时候仍旧下着瓢泼大雨。The president carried on working from his sickbed.总裁卧病在床仍旧继续工作。I was beginning to feel alarm, but kept it to myself so as not to worry our two friends.我开始有点慌了,但仍旧不动声色,免得我们的两个朋友担心。I staggered to the door, the percussion of the rain still deafening.我摇摇晃晃地走到门口,雨水敲打的声音仍旧震耳欲聋。Katherine still considered him a child and treated him accordingly.凯瑟琳仍旧把他当作小孩子,像对待小孩子一样对他。The idea of cloning extinct life forms still belongs to science fiction.克隆已经灭绝的生物的想法仍旧只限于科幻小说中。Scientists still have not solved the problem of what to do with nuclear waste.科学家仍旧无法解决处理核废料的问题。Social security law and procedure remain a jungle of complex rules.有关社会保障的法律和程序仍旧是个充满错综复杂的规则的危险领域。Timber is still harvested and milled locally.木材仍旧当地采伐,当地加工。Happiness, which had been so elusive in Henry's life, still evaded him.亨利生活中过去一直难以捕捉的幸福仍旧与他无缘。Ghana still imports both raw and processed tobacco.加纳仍旧进口生烟草和加工过的烟草。Whatever trouble Eddy gets into, Mum still thinks he can do no wrong,不管埃迪惹上什么麻烦,妈妈仍旧认为他样样都对。The children are still numbed by their father's death.孩子们仍旧沉浸在父亲去世的打击中,麻木迟钝。Democracy remains an integral element of the Student Movement.民主仍旧是学生运动不可或缺的要素。He remained nostalgic about his days as a young actor.仍旧怀念年轻时当演员的岁月。Acupuncture may work, but I still believe in a more conventional approach to medicine.针刺疗法可能有用,可我仍旧相信更加传统的疗法。Kate still looks pale and underfed.凯特看上去仍旧面色苍白、营养不良。He remained silent, unwilling or unable to say what was in his mind.仍旧保持沉默,不愿意或是不能够说出他的想法。Not one house on the Close still had its full complement of windows.克洛斯岛上没有一所房子的窗户仍旧是齐全的。Don't tell me you still believe in all that stuff?.别告诉我你仍旧相信那些东西。The news continues to be gloomy.消息仍旧令人沮丧。She's still keen to keep in touch.仍旧很愿意保持联系。They've really jazzed it up in here but I bet the food's still the same.他们这地方添了许多花样,不过我肯定食物仍旧是一成未变。He's one of the most dynamically imaginative jazz pianists still functioning.他是当下仍旧活跃的最有闯劲、最具想象力的爵士乐钢琴师之一。The Arsenal striker remains jauntily confident.阿森纳队的前锋仍旧信心十足,精力充沛。Congress is still evenly divided on the issue.在这个问题上,国会仍旧分成两个阵营,旗鼓相当。In times of currency crisis, interest rates can be raised as a sign that a government is in command.货币危机发生时,政府可以加息以显示其仍旧掌控着局面。He is still, in the eyes of some, an irredeemable misogynist.在一些人眼里,他仍旧是一个不可救药的厌恶女人的男人。The emotional stress of those years still claws at her.那些年的精神压力仍旧折磨着她。Even after the rape conviction, Thayer remained unrepentant.甚至在强奸案定罪之后,塞耶仍旧不知改悔。The threat of nuclear escalation remains.核升级的威胁仍旧存在。The United States is still a Mecca for film-makers.美国仍旧是电影制片人的圣地。One suspects that hydropower is still the lesser evil.有人觉得水力发电仍旧是两害中之较轻者。They saw their bills rising steadily, in spite of superhuman efforts to save water.尽管他们已想方设法节约用水,水费仍旧在稳步上升。She knew he was right, but his words still stung.她知道他是对的,但他的话仍旧伤害了她。His ruddy face still routinely creases with mirth.他红润的脸庞仍旧时常笑得堆起褶子。He still could not throw any further light on why the elevator could have become jammed.对于电梯为什么会卡住他仍旧给不出更多的解释。Her skin was still without a wrinkle.她的皮肤仍旧没有一丝皱纹。The precise details of the origins of life remain hidden.关于生命起源的确切详情仍旧是一个谜。




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