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例句 Take the opportunity to plunge yourself into your career.抓住机会投身到事业中去We should apply both theories in the language classroom.我们应把两种理论都运用到语言教室中去We need to get more teachers into the classrooms where they're most needed, namely in high poverty areas.我们要让更多的教师到最需要他们的课堂中去,也就是极度贫困地区的课堂。Some of the men had plaited scraps of cloth in their long black hair.有些男子把布片编到他们长长的黑发中去Many athletes withdraw from the world in their single-minded pursuit of their sport.许多运动员与世隔绝,专心一致地投身于自己的体育项目中去Their names were struck off the rolls of solicitors.他们的名字被从律师名册中去掉。She gladly gave up her part-time job to devote herself entirely to her art.她欣然辞去了兼职工作,全身心地投入到她的艺术中去She put her whole being into the part.她全身心投入到角色中去He chose not to join his father's irrelevant business.他无意投身于父亲那无意义的生意中去Every available resource went towards / toward the war effort.一切可用的资源都投入到战备中去了。The needs of individual schools need to be considered in a wider framework.个别学校的需求应放到一个更广大的体系中去考虑。It's difficult to be part of a highly organized group such as the armed forces without losing some of your individuality.要使自己融入到军队等组织性极强的团体中去,同时又不失去自己的一些个性是很难的。She leapt fearlessly into the swirling waters to save him.她毫不畏惧地跳入漩涡中去救他。Don't get caught in the undertow.别被卷入回流中去How did we get ourselves into this unholy mess?我们是怎样卷入这乱七八糟的事情中去的?More and more she retreated into books.她越来越深地躲进书堆中去了。If you think you may be allergic to a food or drink, eliminate it from your diet.如果你觉得自己可能对某种食物或饮料过敏,那就把它从饮食中去掉。Don't mix yourself up in this sort of things.别让你自己卷入这类事情中去He plugged right into their conversation.他一下子参加到他们的谈话中去了。He rushed back into the inferno to rescue his two-year-old sister, Cora, who had been trapped inside.他冲回火海中去营救两岁的妹妹科拉,她被困在里面了。He was hailed for putting advanced theoretical research into practical use.他由于把先进的理论研究应用到实际中去而受到热情赞扬。He had invested his life savings in the new business.他把毕生的积蓄都投资到这家新的企业中去He applies the Marxist world view dogmatically to all social phenomena.他将马克思主义的世界观教条地应用到所有的社会现象中去Nutrients from the digested food can be absorbed into the blood.消化的食物中的营养成分能够被吸收到血液中去The President is expected to include this idea in his education plan.总统有望能将这一想法列入他的教育计划中去Thrusting themselves into the spirit of the farce, they ham it up like mad.他们全力投入到这部闹剧中去,极尽搞怪之能事。The new software makes it possible to cut and paste sound or video clips from one application to another.这种新的软件可以把一个应用程序中的声音或录像剪贴到另一程序中去Fatty foods should be eliminated from the diet.高脂肪食物应该从饮食中去除。He has decided to go back to private life. 他已经决定重新回到个人的生活中去Put the knife back in its case.把小刀放回鞘中去He resented returning to this kind of mundane routine.他憎恶回到这种平凡的日常生活中去I watched him as he stirred sugar into his coffee.我看着他把糖搅拌到他的咖啡中去I would become part of the earth from which I came.我原从泥土中来,还得回泥土中去UN troops run the risk of being dragged into local policing problems.联合国部队有被扯进当地治安问题中去的危险。It's unwise to strike into someone else's quarrel without being invited.别人不请,你自己插入他人的争吵中去,这可不明智。If bears are delisted, the research money stops.如果把熊从名单中去除,研究经费就终止了。Dante died in exile from Florence.但丁在离开佛罗伦萨的流放中去世。Edward does not carry over his business ethics into his personal relationships.爱德华并不把他在生意中的道德准则运用到私人关系中去Students must be able to apply classroom concepts to practical situations.学生必须能够把课堂中学到的概念运用到实际中去Don't get mixed up in any funny business.不要牵连到见不得人的勾当中去




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