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词汇 专家
例句 On the advice of his experts he bought another company.他接受专家的建议,收购了另一家公司。Experts hold widely differing views on this subject.关于这一话题,专家众说纷纭。He's got some experts on the staff.他的工作人员中有一些专家Experts say that the product, if eaten regularly, could be harmful.专家们说这种产品如果经常食用的话可能会有危害。Below are some top picks from our experts for your consideration.以下是我们专家提供的一些最佳选择,供您参考。Experts say that the antique/painting/signature is a fake.专家说这个古董/画作/签名是假的。The judge will ban sketch artists from the courtroom.法官将禁止肖像素描专家进入法庭。He told me how Johnson had shown up all the other experts.他给我讲了约翰逊是如何超过所有其他专家的。Experts agreed that this was a truly sensational performance.专家们一致认为这的确是一场精彩绝伦的演出。Of course, I'm no expert but that wall really looks like it's leaning over.当然我不是专家,不过那堵墙好像真的倾斜了。You hit the nail on the head about him: he is a con artist.你对他的批评是一针见血:他是一个骗人专家I'm a limited and obtuse clergyman, while you're the expert.我是个能力有限的愚笨牧师,而你却是专家Only once did we hit on a question which foxed one of the experts.我们只碰到过一个把一位专家也难住了的问题。Cole is the most noted expert in the field.科尔是这一领域里最著名的专家Experts are not sure what is causing the recent rash of mountain lion sightings.专家不能肯定是什么原因导致美洲狮最近频频现身。Experts have bracketed the two moons with Mars as a potential source of dangerous micro-organisms.专家们将这两个卫星与火星一起归入危险微生物的潜在来源。You need an expert to guide you through the labyrinth of rules and regulations on this subject.你需要专家就这个问题的规章指点迷津。Experts administer the tests and record the results.专家监督测试并记录结果。He professed to be an expert on Islamic art.他自称是伊斯兰艺术的专家A specialist has pronounced him fully fit.一位专家已宣布他的身体完全恢复了。When something happens anywhere in the world, NPR digs up an expert from someplace or other.世界上任何一个角落一有新闻发生,全国公共广播电台就会不知从什么地方挖个专家出来。The claims have received independent confirmation from a team of experts.这些声明已经从一组专家那儿得到单独的证明。Some experts believe we are now seeing the maturation of the computer industry.有些专家相信计算机行业正成为一个成熟市场。He's a known expert.他是位知名专家He claims to be an expert.他声称自己是位专家The experts believe they know the causes of the crime wave but they cannot agree on a cure.专家相信他们都知道犯罪浪潮的成因,但在处理对策上就是无法取得一致意见。Experts are unable to explain why the whales beached themselves.专家们无法解释为什么这些鲸会搁浅在海滩上。He is a specialist in film theory and criticism.他是电影理论和影评专家She is an expert in the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases.她在眼病的诊疗方面是个专家Robin had had many girlfriends and this made the other boys think he must be something of an expert in affairs of the heart.罗宾有过很多女朋友,这使得其他男孩认为他在恋爱方面一定多少是个专家了。The influence of mass media has made new technical terms no longer the monopoly of the specialist.大众传媒的影响已使新技术术语不再为专家所垄断。These comments were provided by reputed experts on the subject.这些评论是由在这一领域有名望的专家提供的。Experts arrived to examine the wreckage of the airplane.专家们赶来检查该机的残骸。The school is staffed with handpicked educators and psychiatric specialists.这所学校配备有精英教员和精神科专家Management wheeled in the experts to study the matter further.管理层聘请了一批专家进一步研究此事。She is an expert on skin/hair care.她是护肤/护发专家A convocation of experts was called to debate the issue.召开了一次专家会议辩论那个问题。Some experts have attacked the Jonas' book as a distortion and even as fiction.一些专家批评乔纳斯的书歪曲事实,甚至胡编乱造。Experts are studying the feasibility of a solar energy project.专家们正在对一个太阳能利用计划进行可行性研究。These people seem to think that reading a few books on old age qualifies them as experts.这些人似乎以为自己读了几本关于老年人的书就可以算作专家了。




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