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例句 The time has come to face the facts and admit that the government's policies aren't working.到了该正视现实、承认政府的政策并不起作用的时候了。He did as he pleased and was impervious to punishment.他为所欲为,惩罚对他不起作用In his view, the Commission remains a toothless and ineffectual body.在他看来,委员会仍然是一个没有实权、不起作用的机构。The party machinery was beginning to creak from disuse.那个政党机器由于长久不起作用而开始运转不灵了。The commercial doesn't work for me. 这则广告对我不起作用The prison system does not work because many of the younger offenders are being corrupted by older, long-term prisoners.监狱体制并不起作用,因为有许多年轻的罪犯正逐渐被年纪较大、刑期长的囚犯带坏。These weapons are totally ineffective against tanks.这些武器在坦克面前根本不起作用His talk cut no ice with me.他的谈话对我不起作用You can't open the window because it screws up the air conditioning.你不能打开窗户,那样空调就不起作用了。The disease is totally unresponsive to conventional treatment.这种病使用常规疗法根本不起作用Most of these diets just don't work.这些节食方法大多根本不起作用She is immune to the power of advertising.广告的影响力对她不起作用Their efforts were of no avail.他们的努力不起作用You might fool the voters with that sort of piffle but it cuts no ice with me.你也许可以用那种废话愚弄选民,但它对我不起作用The old trade union discipline has broken down.工会的陈旧纪律已不起作用I tried bribing her with sweets, but it didn't work.我试着用糖果哄她,但不起作用The time you spend on it doesn't, for all practical purposes, affect the final result.你花在那上面的时间实际上对最终的结果并不起作用There are rumblings in the banking sector that the system isn't working.银行业内有对系统不起作用的抱怨。This is an ineffective method of controlling your dog.用这种方法控制你的狗不起作用If stain remover doesn't work, you'd better send your dress to the dry cleaners.如果去污剂不起作用,那你最好把衣服送到干洗店里去洗。The time has come to face the fact that the government's policies aren't working.是时候承认政府的政策并不起作用了。Various drugs have proved ineffective against the virus.事实证明各种药品都对这种病毒不起作用It became clear that calm, reasoned arguments were not working in this volatile situation.局势动荡,冷静理智的讨论显然已经不起作用Drugs are useless in treating the condition.医治这种病,药物是不起作用的。Scientists tend to agree that most diets don't work and can be harmful.科学家一般都认为大多数节食方法都不起作用,而且是有害的。She dieted and went on exercise programs but nothing seemed to work.她又是节食,又是参加健身计划,但好像都不起作用The air-conditioner was ineffective in such a crowded room.在挤那么多人的房间里空气调节器不起作用了。The magic of Huck Finn seems to have passed me by.哈克·费恩的魔法似乎对我不起作用It's an unrestricted journey, and rules of any sort don't come into it.这是一次没有任何限制的旅行,所有的规则都不起作用That wasn't an answer to be neglected, but its effect was rubbed away.这个回答不容忽视,但是它已不起作用了。Dollars make no difference to him.钱对他不起作用That type of sales talk doesn't work with me.那种推销的话对我不起作用The searchlights were ineffectual in the fog.探照灯在雾中不起作用He didn't say much to the purpose. 他说的话基本不起作用No conscious courage was operant in me.在我身上自觉的勇气不起作用Criticism has no effect on him.批评对他不起作用I've tried all the home remedies for headaches without success.我试遍了所有治头痛的民间疗法,可都不起作用Without military leverage, peaceful mediation was not working.没有军事上的优势,和平调停就不起作用His arguments carry no weight with me.他的论据对我不起作用




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