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The owner said the bird may have escaped through a weak spot in the aviary.鸟的主人说这只鸟可能是从鸟舍一处不结实的地方逃走的。That chair looks unstable to me.那把椅子在我看来有点儿不结实。The floorboards are weak in some places.有些地方的地板不结实。Careful! That chair's a bit rickety.小心!那把椅子不结实。Weak stomach muscles can lead to back problems.腹肌不结实会导致背部疾病。The furniture was stiff, uncomfortable, too delicate, and too neat.家具又硬又不舒服,太不结实而且太小巧。Her cheeks were loose and flabby.她的双颊肌肉松弛而不结实。Inspectors found that some of the bridge's supports were weak.鉴定人员发现这座桥的一些支柱不结实。The beams had been weakened by water damage.横梁因遭水损已经不结实了。The bridge is a frail wooden structure.这座桥的木质结构,很不结实。 |