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词汇 bosses
例句 When union bosses called a strike in protest over low pay, the response was overwhelming.工会领袖呼吁罢工抗议工资太低,得到了巨大的响应。Club bosses and doormen are equally concerned about the situation.俱乐部里从老板到看门人都一样关心这一事态。Rail bosses are in the firing line again following last week's accident.上星期的事故发生后,铁路公司的老板再次备受责难。Union leaders allegedly received huge payoffs from the company's bosses.据说工会领导收受了那家公司老板的巨额贿赂。In a move which surprised everyone, the bosses fired several managers.老板们解雇了好几位经理,这一举动令大家吃惊。Her bosses responded by making her redundant.她老板们的回应是把她解雇了。Some bosses tend to mellow with lunch and are at their most approachable in the afternoon.有些老板往往一吃午饭情绪变好,在下午显得最为平易近人。Unfair bosses and rude customers make us unhappy on the job.不公正的老板和粗鲁的顾客让我们工作起来很不愉快。He attacked greedy bosses for awarding themselves big rises.他抨击那些贪心的老板为他们自己大幅加薪。Anyone prepared to stand up to the bosses gets my vote.任何敢于对抗老板的人我都支持。Many end up as team leaders, which inclines them to co-operate with the bosses.很多人最后成为团队领袖,这使得他们易于和上司合作。The new constitution reduces the power of local party bosses.新宪法削减了地方党组织领袖的权力。Quick-thinking TV bosses bleeped out the abuse.反应敏捷的电台台长们用哔哔声盖过了辱骂声。Most will come to a private arrangement with their bosses based on their own set of circumstances.大多数人基于自己的情况与老板私下里达成协议。Most bosses are traditional.大多数老板都很传统。BBC bosses might bridle at the suggestion.英国广播公司的老板们有可能会被这一提议惹怒。He got jack of working with four meddling bosses.他已经厌倦了为四个好指手画脚的老板工作。Wantz's job is to teach employees how to handle difficult bosses and co-workers.万茨的工作是教雇员如何与难相处的老板和同事打交道。But it is hardly surprising that bosses are unwilling to prejudice their companies' chance of wielding influence in Washington.但是老板们不愿破坏他们公司在华盛顿施加影响的机会,这是不足为奇的。Union bosses used their members as cannon fodder in industrial wars that suited their own ambitions.工会头头们为实现自己野心,在罢工斗争中把会员当作牺牲品。I congratulated the bosses on their foresight.我赞扬老板们有先见之明。Sexual harassment of women workers by their bosses is believed to be widespread.人们认为女员工遭受老板性骚扰的情况很普遍。He doesn't fit into the usual mould of bosses.他跟一般的老板不一样。The bosses paid less than they had promised and the least complaint went to the police.老板们给的钱比原先答应的少,而警方收到的投诉少之又少。Both were exacting bosses.两个都是严厉的老板。He reserved his venom for the company's bosses.他只怨恨公司的老板。The company's bosses are urging full cooperation with the trade union.公司老板主张与工会全面合作。Many bosses view secretaries as no more than glorified typists.许多老板认为秘书只不过是个打字员,只是美其名曰秘书而已。Aggressive bosses are less likely to criticize workers who stand up to them.攻击性强的老板较少批评那些敢于反对他们的员工。Some bosses think lots of face time is a sign of loyalty to the company.有些老板认为,经常加班是一种忠于公司的表现。Company bosses are opening a new office in San Francisco.公司的头儿们在旧金山开了家新办事处。They managed to wring a few concessions from the bosses.他们设法迫使这些大老板作出了一些让步。Even successful bosses need to be queried about the whys and wherefores of their actions.即使成功的老板也需要接受对其行动缘由的质疑。Union bosses fear that a strike is brewing in the coal industry.工会的领袖们担心煤矿工业正在酝酿罢工。The bosses' plans to reorganize the company won't succeed unless they can carry the workforce with them.管理层重组公司的计划不会成功,除非他们能赢得全体员工的支持。How do these people get to be the bosses of major companies?.这些人是怎样成为大公司的老总的?Single men make the fewest complaints about women bosses.单身男子对女上司抱怨最少。Pressure from industry bosses has directly influenced government policy.来自实业界老板们的压力直接影响了政府政策。Company bosses have come back down to earth with a bump after a period of post-election euphoria.公司老总们在经历选举后的狂喜之后已经清醒过来。Company bosses feel they have outgrown their original market.公司的老板们感到他们发展得很快,原先的市场已不够大了。




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