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词汇 reports
例句 The similarity between the two reports suggests that they were written by the same person.那两个报告极其相似,这意味著它们出自一人的手笔。Her fake news reports were a running gag on the show.她的虚假新闻报道是那个节目里反复出现的笑料。That the reports were stolen is beyond dispute. What we need to know is who took them.报告被偷走是明摆着的,我们要知道的是这是谁干的。The reports are indexed by subject and location.报告按主题和位置编索引。Patricia has checked the reports and can vouch for the accuracy of the information.帕特里夏已经核实过报告,可以保证信息的准确性。We are getting unconfirmed reports of a gas explosion in downtown Los Angeles.我们听到洛杉矶闹市区发生煤气爆炸事故的传闻,但尚未得到证实。There are reports of widespread flooding in northern France.有报道说法国北部到处洪水泛滥。The reports were full of errors, ambiguities, and omissions.这些报告错误百出,模棱两可,丢三落四。According to early reports, many people were burnt to death in their beds.根据早期的报告,许多人被烧死在床上。Newspaper reports had unfairly prejudiced the jury in her favour / favor.看了报纸的报道后,陪审团的天平不公平地向她倾斜了。Company reports are published regularly and sent out to all shareholders.公司的报告定期发表,并分发给所有股东。Recent reports of a ceasefire agreement have given us new hope.近期有关停火协议的报道给了我们新的希望。According to first reports, some bombs have hit schools and hospitals.根据最早的报道,一些炸弹击中了学校和医院。I've been running round in circles trying to get all the reports finished before the meeting.我一直在瞎忙,想在会前写完所有的报告,可是却毫无头绪。There have been reports of misconduct by several employees.有报告称几位雇员行为不检。They could neither confirm nor deny reports that the chairperson was to be replaced.他们不能确认也不能否认主席将被替换的传闻。Official reports in Algeria suggest that calm is returning to the country.阿尔及利亚的官方报告表明这个国家正在恢复往日的平静。If the reports are accurate, the deal leaves the authorities and the President virtually naked.如果报道属实,此交易的确使当局和总统猝不及防。It disturbs me to hear reports of binge drinking by teenagers.听到有关青少年狂饮作乐的报道让我感到不安。He reports on allegations that...他缺乏根据地报道说…Press reports revealed that ozone levels in the upper atmosphere fell during the past month.新闻报道透露上层大气的臭氧浓度在上个月有所下降。The rally came amid reports of dissatisfaction among army officers.军官不满的报道屡见报端,就是在这样的背景下举行了集会。A spokesperson said the star had been bruised by the unfair reports in the press last week.发言人说这位明星因上周媒体的不公正报道而名声受损。The reports are not available online yet.这些报道还没有在网上发布。Exaggerated reports of the extent of rioting may themselves provoke further disturbances.关于暴乱程度的言过其实的报道本身可能就会引发进一步的骚乱。His reports were often ardently pro-Russian.他的报告常常是力挺俄罗斯的。All the accounts were based on hearsay rather than eye-witness reports.所有报道都基于传闻而非目击者的报告。Apple reports lower than expected Q3 profits.苹果公司公布第三季度的利润低于预期。Be aware of the terrible strain it can put on a child when you expect the best reports.在期待孩子能取得最好成绩时,要当心这会给他们带来可怕的压力。Earlier reports of gunshots have not been confirmed.早前有关枪击的那些报道尚未得到证实。Periodic reports for periods ending prior to the consummation of the merger should be filed as they become due.兼并结束前的期末定期报告到期应归档。Each researcher reports his results back to the project director.每名研究人员都向项目主管汇报其研究结果。Three CBS cameramen were on site to shoot and edit taped reports. 3名哥伦比亚广播公司的摄影记者在现场拍摄并编辑录像报道。There have been reports of fighting in the region.有报道说该地区发生了战争。Recent news reports on the situation in the capital have helped rally support for the war.最近有关首都形势的新闻报道有利于动员力量支持战争。These reports are extremely alarming.这些报道极其让人忧虑。Kramer reports directly to the chief executive.克雷默直接向总经理报告。Of course, it's a serious disaster, but some of these sensational newspaper reports are just overkill.这当然是一次严重的灾难,但某些耸人听闻的新闻报道也太过分了。These reports clearly contain elements of propaganda.这些报告明显含有些许宣传意味。I never believe idle reports.我从来不信捕风捉影的传闻。




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