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词汇 一阵
例句 There was a brief silence, then Gerald spoke up.一阵短暂的沉默,然后杰拉尔德开始发表意见了。A nice breeze made the desert almost tolerable.一阵和风使沙漠变得几乎可以忍受了。A gale of words swept through the rowdies.无赖们中间响起了一阵争吵声。The sky briefly spat rain.天空下了一阵小雨。A sudden fear gripped him.他突然感到一阵恐惧。He broke into a paroxysm of coughing.他突然猛咳了一阵His chauffeur was cut down in a spray of machine-gun fire.他的司机在一阵机枪扫射中被撂倒。A painful, icy knot grew in his chest.他心中涌起了一阵痛苦而冰冷的恐惧感。A feeling of nausea settled in her stomach.她感到胃里一阵翻江倒海。She was very ill for a while but she's all right now.一阵她病得很厉害,但现在康复了。A ripple of fear/excitement spread through the room. 房间里的人们突然感到一阵恐惧/兴奋。He was suddenly accompanied by the burble of little voices.他身边突然发出一阵轻微的嘟囔声。Lindsey felt a sharp pang of guilt.林赛突然感到一阵强烈的内疚。Fear/excitement rippled through the room. 房间里的人们突然感到一阵恐惧/兴奋。There was a flurry of activity as the movie star appeared on the balcony.那名影星在戏院楼座上一露面就引发了一阵骚动。The dead branch came loose after a few jerks.那根枯枝在一阵猛拽之后就松动了。The remark sent him into a fit of laughter.这话使他大笑了一阵The aircraft were met by a hail of gunfire.飞机遭到一阵炮火的袭击。Nikki's voice provoked a new bout of unreasoning anger.尼基一开口又激起了一阵无名的怒火。The wind had stirred up a powdery red dust.风扬起一阵粉末状红色尘土。She felt a searing pain in her foot.她感到脚上一阵火辣辣的疼。My stomach heaved and I felt sick.我的胃一阵翻腾,感觉要吐了。I'll look in later on my way home.一阵我回家时会顺便过来。The show enjoyed a brief surge of popularity.演出获得了一阵潮涌般的欢迎。When the spasm passed, it left him weak and sweating.一阵痉挛之后,他虚弱无力,一直冒汗。She was smitten with terror.她突然感到一阵恐惧。After John had circulated amongst his guests, dinner was announced.约翰在宾客中应酬了一阵之后,晚宴宣布开始了。Two planes were lifted up and thrown across the tarmac by a freak gust of wind.一阵怪风把两架飞机卷起,抛到跑道的另一头。The pony gave a snort when she tried to saddle him.她试着给小马套鞍子时,小马喷出一阵鼻息。The new perfume was launched amidst a fanfare of publicity.这种新香水在一阵大张旗鼓的广告宣传下推出市场。You've been driving for a while - do you want me to spell you?你开车开了一阵了——需要我替你一会儿吗?The audience gave us a big round of applause and there was drunken cheering.听众给我们大鼓了一阵掌,接着是如醉如痴的喝彩。The packed public gallery erupted in a roar of approval.拥挤的公众旁听席上爆发出一阵赞同的欢呼声。There was a sudden burst of machine gun fire.突然,机关枪一阵猛烈扫射。There was a quiet knock at the door.一阵轻轻的敲门声传来。A fierce, freezing wind whipped torrential rain into their faces.一阵冰冷的狂风卷着暴雨砸在他们脸上。I was chatting to him the other day.前几天我和他聊了一阵I've been muddling about all morning, and got nothing done.我整个上午空忙了一阵,什么事也没干成。There was a peal of laughter down the phone, which Harry found infectious.电话里传来一阵响亮的笑声,哈里也不禁受其感染。My poor old granny isn't in her right mind half the time.真可怜,我那年迈的奶奶现在明白一阵,糊涂一阵




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