例句 |
The plane dived to the ground.飞机向地面俯冲。This sighting occurred during my dive to a sunken wreck off Sardinia.这是我在撒丁岛附近的沉船残骸处潜水时所见的景象。She made a running dive to get across the crevasse.她跑了几步猛地一跳跨过裂隙。The whale dived to a depth of 300 meters.那条鲸潜至水下300米深处。The engine did not re-start, and the plane dived to the ground.引擎未能再启动,飞机朝地面俯冲下去。The economy is on a headlong dive to disaster.经济急剧下滑,就要酿成灾难。The young man dived to a depth of 40 feet.那个青年人潜到四十尺的深度。The mercury dived to five below zero.温度突然下降到零下5度。 |