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词汇 diversity
例句 The city is known for its cultural/ethnic diversity.这个城市以文化/种族多元化著称。People are being encouraged to celebrate the diversity of their communities.人们被鼓动着颂扬他们社区的多样性。We value the rich ethnic and cultural diversity of the group.我们重视这个团体种族和文化方面的多样性。Many employers seek diversity in their staffs.很多雇主寻求雇员的多样性。We should celebrate diversity.我们应该提倡多样性。I thought I should hedge my bets by investing in a diversity of pension funds.我曾认为我应该通过投资多个养老基金来规避风险。There is need for greater diversity and choice in education.教育需要更加多样化,提供更多的选择。The south-east has the highest diversity of freshwater fish in the country.东南部是该国淡水鱼多样性最高的地方。There is a wide diversity of views on this subject.关于这一主题存在着多种多样的看法。Two of our greatest strengths are diversity and community.多样性和同一性是我们的两大优势。The area has a great diversity of birds.这个地区鸟类繁多。The teaching profession does not yet reflect the diversity of the population.教师职业还没有反映出人口的多样性。Not all companies have embraced the concept of diversity in the workplace.不是所有公司都已接受职场多元化的观念。Our party believes in encouraging cultural diversity, not division.我们党鼓励文化多元化,而不是文化分歧。The school aims for diversity in its student population.学校旨在使学生群体多元化。There was some diversity of opinion about what should be done. 在该怎么做的问题上大家意见不一。You're lucky to work for a company which values diversity.你很幸运能为一个尊重多元化的公司工作。The exhibition is designed to reflect the diversity of the nation and its regions.这次展览旨在反映这个国家民族和地域的多样性。When the sea recedes, tide pools reveal a bewildering diversity of marine life.海水退去后,潮水潭里会出现各种各样的海洋生物,令人眼花缭乱。Social anthropology is centrally concerned with the diversity of culture.社会人类学主要关注文化多样性。We have nothing against diversity; indeed, we want more of it.我们一点都不反对多样化;实际上,我们还需要更多样化一些。The curriculum will take account of the ethnic diversity of the population.课程编排将考虑到人口中民族的多元化。I should hedge my bets by investing in a diversity of pension funds.我应该投资各种养老金以规避风险。The producer was under pressure to maintain a diversity in his output.生产商承受着保持产品多元化的压力。The diversity of languages among our schoolkids should be seen as a benefit, and not as a disadvantage.我们学校的孩子讲五花八门的语言,这应该被视为一个有利条件,而不是缺点。The island has more diversity in plant life than other islands nearby.这个岛上的植物种类比附近其他岛上的都多。We wanted to offer the congress participants a greater diversity of content.我们想为与会代表提供更加丰富多样的内容。Her speech conveyed something of the range and diversity of research activities in the university.从她的演讲中多少可以看到大学的研究活动何其广泛又何其多样。The exhibition on India fails to capture the great diversity of this fascinating country.那个关于印度的展览并没有展示出这个迷人国度的多姿多彩。The increasing racial diversity of the US is reflected in the latest census statistics.美国社会种族越来越多元化的现象反映在最新的人口统计资料里。Greater cultural diversity has led to a more cosmopolitan attitude among the town's younger generations.更多的文化多样性使得镇上年轻一代的态度更为包容。We need more diversity in the education system.我们需要教育系统更加多元化。The organization promotes unity in diversity.这个组织提倡求同存异。Many countries have begun to attach importance to the bio-diversity in their natural environment.现在有很多国家都开始重视自然环境中的生物多样性。Tyrannies do not allow diversity and disagreement.专制统治不容许多元化和不同意见。There is a greater diversity in the city's population now.这个城市的人口现在更加多元化了。His object is to gather as great a diversity of material as possible.他的目标就是尽可能多地搜集各种材料。There's a diversity of opinion.存在各种不同的观点。Conservationists are mostly wedded to preserving diversity in nature.自然环境保护主义者大多致力于保持物种的多样性。Few countries have as rich a diversity of habitat as South Africa.几乎没有哪个国家像南非那样拥有如此丰富多样的聚居环境。




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