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词汇 bold
例句 Use a bold typeface for all the headings.标题全用粗体字。Headings within the text should be bold but not necessarily bigger.文章中的标题应该是黑体,但不必是更大的字体。He sat there as bold as brass and refused to leave.他大模大样坐在那儿,竟然拒绝离去。I'd like to offer a few criticisms, if I may be so bold.恕我冒昧,我想提几点批评意见。Bright colours and bold strokes characterize his early paintings.明亮的色彩和大胆的笔触是他早期绘画作品的特征。I thought his glance at me had been offensively bold.我觉得他对我的瞥视唐突无礼。He drew on his bold imagination in composing music.他凭借自由驰骋的想像力作曲。He believes that students should be encouraged to experiment with bold ideas.他认为应该鼓励学生们将大胆的观念付诸试验。His drawings were done in a few bold lines.他的画以几笔粗线挥就。She marched into the store, as bold as brass, and demanded her money back.她厚着脸皮闯进商店要求把钱退给她。He was a bold and defiant little boy.他是一个又冒失又不听话的小男孩。A bold use of colour characterizes the bedroom.这个卧室的特点是用色大胆。Poland was already making bold economic reforms.波兰已在大刀阔斧地进行经济改革。The area was settled by bold pioneers.勇敢的拓荒者定居在这个地区。She walked right in, bold as you please. 她径直走了进来,举止非常唐突。What we need is a strong leader, someone who is bold enough to make tough decisions.我们需要一位强有力的领导人,一个敢作艰难决定的人。His last book is a bold, at times surrealistic mixture of fact and fancy.他的最后一部书把现实与梦幻大胆糅合在一起,有些地方表现出超现实主义色彩。If I may be so bold, you still haven't mentioned why you're here.我冒昧地说一句,您还没提您在这儿的原因呢。He apologized for being so bold as to speak to the emperor.他对自己如此放肆,竟对皇帝说话,表示歉意。She caught his likeness with a few bold pen strokes.她用钢笔粗粗几笔就大体勾勒出了他的模样。Use a variety of bright bold colors to make your design visually attractive.运用各种鲜亮显眼的颜色,可以让你的设计产生视觉上的美感。Big, successful moves need bold, masterful managers.重大而成功的举措需要既大胆又善于控制局势的经理来实施。My aunt Flo was a bold determined woman.我姑妈弗洛是一个大胆果断的人。The bold necklace flatteringly lightens her skin tone.这条光彩夺目的项链衬得她的肤色亮了起来。She was hurt by his bold remark.她被他唐突无礼的话所伤害。I see you have been so bold as to ask for food at this hour.我看这个时候你还好意思来要东西吃。She was wearing a bold flowered print.她穿着一件鲜艳的印花衣服。The company's name was printed in bold letters across the top of the page.公司的名字用黑体字印在页面的顶端。He is making a bold attempt to bolster the territory's confidence.他采取大胆行动,增强这个地区居民的信心。Reagan's plan was a bold one, but it was not well thought out.里根的计划很大胆,但没有经过仔细考虑。You could use bold to make the information stand out a little more.你可以用粗体使这个消息更醒目些。Her name was written on the envelope in bold black lettering.她的名字用粗体黑字写在信封上。I finally decided on a bold step.最后,我决定采取一个需冒风险的步骤。Two cheers for yesterday's bold decision to cut interest rates.昨天降低利率的大胆决定还是不错的。I was feeling bold, so I went and asked him for more money.我感到很自信,所以去向他要更多的钱。He was even so bold as to give me advice about how to play.他竟然敢在怎么演奏方面给我提意见。Mr. Jordan made a bold speech.乔丹先生做了一次大胆的演讲。She solved all our problems with a single, brilliant/bold stroke.她仅用一个漂亮/大胆的举措就把我们所有的问题都解决了。He is bold enough to tilt at social injustices.他敢于抨击社会上的不公正现象。The Government resolved on a bold policy.政府决定采取大胆的政策。




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