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例句 Within a generation, the family had lost all its wealth.只不过一代人,这个家庭就家财罄尽。Within a short space of time a group of complete unknowns had established a wholly original form of humour.在很短的一段时间内,一群完全籍籍无名之辈创立了一种全新的幽默形式。Within this lecture I cannot pretend to deal adequately with dreams.在这一次讲座中,我不敢自诩能对梦境作透彻的分析。Within clear guidelines, managers can use their budget to entertain clients.在明确的方针指导下,经理们可以在预算允许范围内招待客户。Within the space of a year, three of the town's factories have closed down.一年之内,镇上已有三家工厂关闭。Within just a few minutes the jury of ranchers returned a verdict of not guilty.短短几分钟后,由大牧场主组成的陪审团作出了无罪的判决。Within quarter of an hour the coldness of the night had gone.不到一刻钟,夜晚的寒气就一扫而光。Within the compass of a normal sized book such a comprehensive survey was not practicable.在通常一本书的篇幅中要作如此全面的调查不太实际。Within five years, he had converted thousands of Calvinists back to Catholicism.五年内他使数千名加尔文教徒皈依了天主教。Within minutes she was outside, closing her bedroom door tight behind her.不出几分钟,她就出去了,并把卧室的门紧紧带上了。Within two years he was managing the store.不出两年他就开始管理这家店了。Within two days of the accident, she was walking around.事故发生后不到两天,她就在四处走动了。Within a month she had settled into a moderate exercise regimen.她在一个月内就适应了中等强度的运动治疗。Within weeks, the fighting had ballooned into full-scale war.几周内战斗就升级成为全面战争。Within a free enterprise capitalist society, resources are very unevenly distributed.在自由企业式的资本主义社会里,资源分配极不均衡。Within ten years the theme park was turning over £20 million.十年内,这座主题公园的营业额达到了两千万英镑。Within a five mile radius of Ollerton there are several pubs and restaurants.奥勒顿半径五英里范围之内有一些酒吧和餐馆。Within a feudal family, the master took precedence in all things.在封建家庭中,男主人凡事都有优先权。Within moments, he'd attracted an admiring audience.一会儿工夫,他就赢得了观众的倾心。Within two years they had tamed this inhospitable landscape.两年之内他们已经开垦了这片荒凉的土地。Within half an hour the excruciating pain had dulled to a background throb.半小时不到,剧烈的疼痛就减轻了,只有阵阵隐痛。Within hours, police corralled the three men Lewis had named.几小时之内,警察就抓到了刘易斯提到的那三个人。Within the political in-crowd are some extremely influential figures.那个政治小集团有一些极有影响力的人物。Within the Canon, the wafer and wine becomes the body and blood of Jesus Christ.在祭献经文里,薄饼和红葡萄酒变成耶稣基督的身体和血液。Within our own galaxy there are probably tens of thousands of planetary systems.在我们所处的银河系中,大概有数万个行星系。I told him categorically that we could never be anything more than friends. Famous last words! Within a few months we were engaged.我明确告诉他我们只可能做朋友。说得跟真的似的,可才过了几个月我们就订婚了!Within a few minutes he had the car engine in pieces on the garage floor.不出几分钟,他已经把汽车引擎拆得支离破碎,放在车库的地板上了。Within hours, she was free to resume her journey westwards.几小时以后她便抽出身来继续西行的旅程。Within a few months the CEO had been eased out.没出几个月,首席执行官就被顺利解雇了。Within minutes the whole house was ablaze.几分钟内,整座房子就成了一片火海。Within the fairgrounds, there are roving entertainers and events.游乐场里有流动艺人和表演项目。Within a group, each individual had a definite status.团体内的每个成员都有明确的身份。Within five minutes he had contradicted himself twice.五分钟内他就两次自相矛盾。Within these limitations you are free to do as you choose.在此限度内你爱做什么都随你便。Within weeks of the election, the new government announced big tax cuts.新政府当选后不出几个星期就宣布大幅减税。Within minutes the area was swarming with officers who began searching a nearby wood.几分钟内很多警察就来到了这一地区,开始搜查附近的树林。Within manufacturing, the loss of jobs has been far more evenly spread across the regions.在制造业,就业机会减少的现象已经在整个地区更加均匀地蔓延。Within living memory these mountains were the home of the brown bear.在大家的记忆中,这些山是棕熊的家园。Within a few months Hanuman's fame as a wrestler spread.几个月内,哈努曼作为摔跤运动员便名声远扬了。Within a year of its introduction, questions began to emerge about the safety of the drug.投入使用不到一年,有关这种药品安全的问题就已经出现了。




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