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词汇 where
例句 Actually, let's just read this little bit where you've made them bump into each other.要不然我们就来读一下你让他们相遇的这一小段。The general used a long ruler to indicate on the map exactly where the troops would land.将军用一根长尺在地图上指出军队将登陆的确切地点。There is a small general stores in the village where you can get anything from stamps to potatoes.村里有一家小型百货商店,在那儿从邮票到土豆样样都买得到。The ground sloped down from where we stood to the lake shore.地面从我们所站的地方向湖岸倾斜。Do you know where Andy is?你知道安迪在哪儿吗?When I asked her about where she wanted the meeting to be held she didn't express any particular preference.当我问她她希望会议在哪里召开时,她并未表示出特别的偏好。Each man died where he stood; they fell in their tracks without a sound.每个人都在原地死去;他们没发出任何声音就突然倒下了。He took her to jail, where she was fingerprinted and booked.他把她带到监狱,在那里对她提取了指纹并进行了登记。You'd better come into hospital where we can keep an eye on you.你最好住院,我们可以照看你。I've left my keys somewhere and I don't know where.我把钥匙放在什么地方了,但我想不起来放哪儿了。I see where you're coming from now.现在我知道你的想法了。The shops are at a distance from where we live.商店离我们住所有一段路。He moved to France, where he set up shop as a writer.他移居到了法国,并在那里开始了写作生涯。The island's in the Pacific Ocean; I'm not at liberty to say exactly where, because we're still negotiating for its purchase.这个岛在太平洋上;我无权说出它的具体位置,因为我们仍在洽谈购买事宜。They have determined where the new school will be built.他们已确定这所新的学校将建造在什么地方。My sweater has a snag where I caught it on a nail.我的毛衣有一处被钉子钩破了。In some sectors, where political correctness is a powerful force, I've been criticized for that.在很注重政治上是否正确的部门,我因此事受到了批评。He took special care to stay clear of any place where Sally might be.他格外小心,避开萨莉可能去的任何地方。I could not see where the ball landed.我看不见球掉哪儿了。Migrant workers are to be accommodated near the place where they work.要给流动工人在他们工作地点附近的地方提供住宿。Everyone was asking where you were.每个人都在问你去了哪里。Don't move! Stay right where you are.别动!就呆在那儿。He's got a position where he is able to knock down good money.他找到了一个可以挣大钱的职位。They are a little foggy on where he is buried.他们记不太清楚他被埋在什么地方了。They've found out where the other speaker plugs in.他们已找到另外那个扬声器的连接点了。I wasn't looking where I was going and walked smack into a lamppost.我没有看路,直愣愣地撞到了灯柱上。I've forgotten the name of the street where she lives.我忘了她所住那条街的街名了。No prizes for guessing where Daniel is.不用猜都知道丹尼尔在哪儿。It is one of the few countries where they still hold public executions.这是少数几个仍旧公开处决犯人的国家之一。He had not moved from his chair at the desk where he slouched, arms negligently spread over his papers.他懒洋洋地坐在桌旁没有起身,双臂摊开随意地搁在文件上。What you do for a living is critical to where you settle and how you live — and the converse is also true.一个人的谋生手段对于其居住地的选择和生活方式来说有着至关重要的影响,反之亦然。I asked Clive where he was going, but he didn't reply.我问克莱夫到哪儿去,但他没有回答。He borrowed evening wear from the wardrobe of the film studio where he was working.他从他工作的电影制片厂借了一套戏装当晚礼服。There were skid marks on the road where the crash occurred.路上发生车祸的地方有打滑的痕迹。Don't leave toys on stairs where someone could trip and fall.不要把玩具放在楼梯上,会把人绊倒的。The collection has been sold to the British Museum where it will be preserved for the nation.这批藏品卖给了大英博物馆,成为国家的藏品。Restaurant menus might specify a particular varietal of vegetable or mention the farm where it was grown.餐馆的菜单上可能会标明特定蔬菜的品种或者提及种植这些蔬菜的农场。In the abandoned yard you can see a ramshackle bungalow, that's where my grandparents used to live.在废弃的花园中你可以看见一间摇摇欲坠的小屋,那是我祖父母先前住的地方。He nodded his head instead of saying anything where his voice might betray him.他一言不发,只是点头,因为一开口可能会露出破绽。They stuck pins into a map to show where the enemy's camps were.他们把图钉按在一张地图上表示敌人营地的位置。




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