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词汇 胳膊
例句 She grabbed hold of his arm. 她抓住他的胳膊The big boy gave his arm a twist.那个大男孩扭了一下他的胳膊His arm was spurting blood where the vein had been severed.胳膊上割破的血管正在往外冒血。She fell and suffered an injury to her arm.她跌倒了,胳膊受了伤。She touched him gently on the arm.她轻轻碰了碰他的胳膊Winters placed his hand on my arm, holding me back.温特斯把手放在我的胳膊上,不让我往前去。We recoiled in horror at the sight of his wounded arm.见到他受伤的胳膊,我们吓得直往后退。Lunging forward, she grabbed his arm.她冲上前去抓住了他的胳膊She tugged on Hart's arm to extricate him from the circle of men with whom he'd been talking.她拽着哈特的胳膊,把他从那群正和他聊天的男人中拖了出来。A roll of fat jiggled on the underside of her arm.胳膊下侧有一层肥肉一颤一颤的。Under his arm, there was a book which looked like the complete works of Shakespeare.胳膊底下夹着一本书,看上去就像是夹了《莎士比亚全集》。He rested his arm on the back of the sofa.他把一只胳膊搭在沙发的靠背上。She tugged at his arm to get his attention.她拽了拽他的胳膊以引起他的注意。She shivered and rubbed her arms vigorously.她颤抖着,使劲地搓着自己的胳膊He pulled his arm away from the hot stove.他把胳膊从炽热的炉子上移开。Her injured arm hung uselessly at her side.她受伤的胳膊软弱无力地垂在体侧。He had a fat body but thin legs and arms.他身上很胖,但腿和胳膊却很瘦。Her severely/badly injured arm took a long time to heal.她那只严重受伤的胳膊很长时间才痊愈。He grabbed her arm to save her from falling. 他抓住她的胳膊,没让她掉下去。Daniels swept his arm over his friend's shoulder.丹尼尔斯把胳膊搭在了他朋友的肩上。My arm/leg was numb and tingling.我的胳膊/腿又麻又刺痛。I felt a cold touch on my arm.我感到有什么冰凉的东西碰到了我的胳膊She took his arm and pulled him along.她拽着他的胳膊把他拉走了。A wasp came towards us and Howard started flailing his arms around.一只黄蜂冲我们飞来,霍华德开始使劲挥舞胳膊He sat with his arm draped casually around her shoulders.他坐在那儿,胳膊随意地搭在她肩上。The cut left a permanent scar on his arm.刀口在他胳膊上留下了永久的伤疤。Professor Brightly walked into the lecture hall with a pile of dog-eared notes under his arm.布莱特利教授走进演讲厅,胳膊下夹着一沓折角了的讲义。I grabbed at his arm as he ran past.他跑过的时候,我抓住了他的胳膊He injured himself playing football and his arm was strapped up.他踢足球弄伤了自己,胳膊打了绷带。His arm throbbed dully.他的胳膊隐约在抽动。My arms ached from carrying all the groceries.拿着那么多食品杂货,我的胳膊都痛了。Val's one of the unluckiest people I know - on Monday her car was stolen and the day after she fell and broke her arm.瓦尔是我认识的最倒霉的人之一。星期一她的汽车被盗,第二天她又摔断了胳膊The children hung on to his arm.孩子们紧紧抓住他的胳膊She was led by the arm to a small room at the far end of the corridor.她被拉着胳膊带到走廊另一头的一个小房间里。She bit his arm so hard that it broke the skin.她狠狠地咬他胳膊,都咬破皮了。You've got a cut on your arm as well, you poor thing. You really have been in the wars!胳膊上也有道伤口,可怜的家伙。你真的受了不少伤!I grab George's arm and dig my nails into his flesh.我抓住乔治的胳膊,指甲抠进了他的肉里。He saw her stick a needle into her arm.他看到她把针扎进自己的胳膊I bashed my arm against the door.我的胳膊狠狠地撞到了门上。She was taken to hospital with a broken arm and ribs.胳膊和肋骨断了,被送进医院。




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