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词汇 胡须
例句 A glob of ice cream was stuck to his mustache.一小团冰激凌粘在了他的胡须上。Convinced that he is being goosed yet again, Watson tugs the man's beard and pokes him violently in the ribs.发现自己又在被人愚弄之后,沃森拽住那个男人的胡须,猛烈戳他的肋部。He had a baby fuzz round his jaw.他的下巴上长着细细的胡须He had the wispy beginnings of a beard.他新长出的胡须稀稀拉拉的。He sported a pointed beard.他蓄着一撮尖尖的胡须,很引人注目。Shaving cream mollifies the beard.剃须膏使胡须变软。He wears a beard now.他现在留着胡须Albert's great bearded face took on a pained look.艾伯特长满胡须的脸上流露出痛苦的神情。His beard is streaked with white.他的胡须有些灰白了。He had a weak mouth which he hid beneath a beard.他的嘴很单薄,便蓄起了胡须加以掩盖。Anthony returned to work minus his beard.安东尼回来上班时,他的胡须不见了。His chin was dismantled of its beard.他下巴上的胡须被刮掉了。He got too near the fire and singed his beard.他离火太近,胡须尖都给烧焦了。He had a long, white beard.他留着长长的白胡须You've shaved off your beard.你把胡须剃掉了。Bill preened his beard.比尔精心修剪了他的胡须He had two days' beard growth.他的胡须已经两天没刮了。Yoshida is a slight, quiet man with a grey beard.吉田是个瘦小而寡言的男人,长着灰白胡须He watched the cat cleaning the milk off her whiskers.他看着猫把胡须上的牛奶弄干净。The old man's beard was mostly grey.那位老人胡须大半花白。His face was covered by a thick black beard with tiny flecks of gray in it.他点点黑斑的脸上全是浓密的黑胡须He had a small tuft of hair on his chin.他下巴上有一小撮胡须Father Christmas wears red clothes and a long white beard.耶诞老人身穿红衣服,蓄著长长的白胡须I've decided to shave off my beard.我决定把胡须剃掉。Threads of silver ran through his beard and the hair at his temples.他的胡须和鬓发里夹杂着缕缕银丝。The old priest stroked his white beard as he listened.老神父边听边摸着自己的白胡须She is very old now, with little, round, wire-rimmed glasses and whiskers sprouting from her chin.她现在很老了,戴着圆圆的金属架小眼镜,下巴上还长出了胡须He was scruffy and unshaven.他衣衫不整,满脸胡须




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