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词汇 well-known
例句 The king's madness was well-known.国王的疯病众人皆知。He's a session musician, providing studio backing to well-known vocalists.他是位伴奏乐师,给一些著名歌手作录音室伴奏。A list of well-known fraudsters was circulated to all local police chiefs.著名诈骗犯的名单传发给了当地所有的警长。Charities often have a well-known person as their honorary treasurer.慈善机构常常请一位名人担任他们的名誉司库。Mr Dahl was well-known for his macabre adult stories called 'Tales of the Unexpected'.达尔先生以成人恐怖小说集《意料之外的故事》闻名于世。She is a poet who is admired by other poets but not well-known to the general public.她在诗人中间备受欣赏,但是在普通民众中却不知名。He's an artist who has never been as well-known here, or for that matter as well-respected, as he has been in the USA.作为一名艺术家,他在这里从未像他在美国那样出名,也不像在美国那样受人尊敬。He is a well-known trader on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange.他是纽约证券交易所有名的交易人。A well-known singer gave a private performance at the party.一位著名歌手在宴会上作了非公开演出。She is well-known for her profligate spending habits.她因一贯恣意挥霍钱财而出名。The book was translated by a well-known author.这本书是由一位著名作家翻译的。The play starred a well-known retired actress who was intent on a come-back.该剧由一名志在复出的著名隐退女演员主演。They sell all the usual kinds of coffee, but also some less well-known brands.他们出售所有常见的咖啡品种,但也售不大有名的品牌。The part of the old hunter was doubled by a well-known actor.老猎人一角由一位著名演员兼演。The well-known writer is open-minded enough to admit that not all his novels are first-rate.那位著名作家很虚心,承认他的小说并非全是上乘之作。He began by writing letters to well-known figures in journalism.他以给新闻界知名人士写信起步。Documentaries are often narrated by well-known actors.纪录片常常由著名演员作旁白。She sang an old well-known song.她唱了一首大家熟悉的老歌。Our products are sold through the Body Shop and other well-known retailers.我们的产品通过美体小铺等一些著名的零售店出售。Mr Dahl was well-known for his macabre adult stories called `Tales of the Unexpected'.达尔先生以成人恐怖小说集《意料之外的故事》闻名于世。One of the papers is running a competition in which you have to parody a well-known author.有一家报纸正在举行一场竞赛,在比赛中你得滑稽地模仿一位著名作家的风格写些东西。Her husband is a well-known novelist, but she is a successful writer in her own right.她丈夫是一位知名小说家,而她本身也是一位成功作家。The acting abilities of both are well-known.两人的表演才能都是众所周知的。Their grandfathers ancestored some of the well-known families in Boston.他们的祖父辈是波士顿几家望族的祖先。The island is well-known for its beautiful beaches.该岛以其美丽的海滩闻名。It may be a well-known fact, but I didn't know it.这可能是人所共知的事实,但我却不知道。His patient, who was a well-known television personality, suffered a minor stroke.他的病人,一位电视名人,患了轻微中风。There's an interesting series of talks by well-known writers on the radio this week.本周电台将播出一系列名作家的趣味讲座。A well-known academic will head the delegation.代表团将由一位著名学者率领。He is a well-known actor.他是一位著名的演员。Several well-known celebrities attended the commemoration.几位知名人士参加了这次纪念活动。Helen is a very well-known novelist in Australia.海伦是澳大利亚非常著名的小说家。She was once married to a well-known football star.她曾嫁给一位著名的足球明星。Such a well-known politician should draw a big audience.这样一位知名政治家应该能吸引大批听众。The committee is comprised of well-known mountaineers.委员会由知名的登山运动员组成。The opening reception of the exhibition was attended by many well-known figures from the art world.许多艺术界的知名人士出席了为展览举行的开幕式招待会。Our research is being published in a well-known medical journal.我们的研究在一本著名的医学杂志上发表了。The actor amused the audience by mimicking some well-known people.那位演员模仿某些名人,以此逗乐观众。These findings could help explain a well-known phenomenon.这些发现有助于解释一个常见的现象。The panel of judges included several well-known writers.评委会包括几位著名作家。




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