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词汇 weaker
例句 On the money markets the dollar was weaker against European currencies.在货币市场上,美元不如欧洲货币坚挺。She is openly scornful of the idea that girls are in any way weaker than men.对于女孩总不如男子这一观点,她公开表示蔑视。To hit a weaker person is a sign of cruelty.殴打弱者是残忍的表现。In the beginning he had felt well, but little by little he was becoming weaker.一开始他感觉很好,但慢慢地就变虚弱了。The invasion of the small country was a disregard for a weaker people.入侵那个小国是对弱小民族的不尊重。The severeness of the winter made her weaker.冬天的严酷使她身体更加虚弱。This is a far weaker formulation than is in the draft resolution which is being proposed.这种表述比所提决议草案中的说法要弱很多。Family ties are weaker if you move a long way away.离家太远就会与家人疏远。A weaker person would have buckled under the weight of criticism.软弱一点的人就会经不住批评而垮下来。With these new weaker pollution controls, the government seems to be moving backwards.出台这些更为不得力的控制污染的新措施,政府似乎在倒退。The men were daily becoming weaker from want of rest.由于缺乏休息,这些男人日渐虚弱。As you get older, your joints and muscles tend to get weaker.随着年龄变老,你的关节和肌肉会变得越来越虚弱。She lapped some of the weaker runners on the final stretch.她在跑到终点直道时比有些落后的选手领先了一圈。Day by day he became weaker.他的身体日渐虚弱。My hunch is that the euro will get even weaker.我的直觉是欧元还将继续走弱。They tend to consider women as the weaker sex in need of care and protection.他们往往认为女性是弱者,需要照顾和保护。The old man's voice was measurably weaker than the last time they'd talked.老人的声音比起上次他们谈话时微弱多了。The virus becomes weaker as it passes down the chain of infection.经过一连串的感染,病毒变弱了。For years women were derided as the weaker sex.多年来,女性都被嘲笑为弱势性别。Because of his poor nutrition, he has grown weaker and weaker.他因为营养不良,身体越来越虚弱。The electromagnetic field strength becomes weaker as you move further away from high voltage cables.当你远离高压线时,电磁场强度就会变弱。The stock market closed weaker.股票市场下挫收盘。England have definitely been the weaker side, but I think they've still got one or two cards up their sleeve.英格兰队无疑处于弱势,不过我觉得他们还有一两张王牌未打出来。A power radio station blankets a weaker one.功率强的电台干扰功率弱的电台。The new exams have been designed for weaker students who, until now, have been set unattainable targets.新的考试是针对那些到目前为止无法达到所订目标的较差的学生的。If food is scarce, the mother will feed the smaller, weaker chicks.如果食物不多,鸡妈妈就喂较小较弱的小鸡。




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