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词汇 watch
例句 Keep a watch on the weather.关注着点天气。A crowd gathered to watch the runners, clapping their hands and urging them on.人们聚在一起观看选手赛跑,为他们鼓掌加油。It made me uneasy and I resolved to watch him most closely.我很不放心,决定密切关注他。He stopped to wind his watch.他停下来给表上发条。Mum's listening, I'd better watch my language. She rouses on me if I don't.妈妈正听着呢,我还是注意自己的言谈为好,否则她会说我的。His family was always on the watch for early signs of the disease.他的家人总是很注意提防出现这种病的早期症状。My watch sometimes goes wrong. When it does that, I take it to a watchmaker.我的表有时走得不准。它走得不准时,我就拿到钟表匠那儿去修。She sat quietly, content to watch him working.她安静地坐着,心满意足地看他干活。I looked casually down at my watch.我随意地看了下手表。Annoyed commuters could only watch as the departure time ticked by.随着发车时间一点点过去,恼怒的上班族只能干瞪眼。What a pretty watch!多好看的手表!You can buy a nice knockoff watch from them.你能从他们那儿买到质量很好的仿制名牌手表。You'll have to watch next week to find out what happens.你下周务必仔细观察,看看会发生什么。I like to watch the highlights of the day's tennis.我想看看今天网球赛最精彩的几个镜头。To make extra certain, a police helicopter kept watch from the skies.为确保万无一失,一架警用直升机一直在空中警戒。To whet the appetite, watch the teaser trailer now.要先睹为快,请现在观看预告片。You'll be on the first watch tonight.今晚你值第一班。Just sit back and watch.请坐下观看吧。That can't be the time – my watch must be fast.不可能是这个时间 — 我的表一定是快了。Are you going to watch the game on TV tonight?今晚你会看电视上播放的比赛吗?A fresh group of soldiers relieved the morning/night watch.一群新到的士兵接替了早班/夜班警卫。One of the soldiers is on watch.士兵中的一人在值岗。He busted his watch yesterday.他昨天把表弄坏了。Somebody copped my watch.有人偷了我的手表。We cracked a few cans of beer open and sat down to watch the game.我们开了几罐啤酒,坐下来看比赛。In the stands, fifty of Jess's friends and family have come to watch her last game.在看台上,杰丝的朋友及其家人共有五十人前来观看她的最后一场比赛。Leith flicked a glance at her watch.丽丝看了看手表。In the evening I usually watch TV or listen to the radio.晚上我一般看看电视或听听广播。I think I'll stay home tonight, order in a pizza, and watch my new box set.我想今晚我要呆在家里,叫比萨饼外卖,看新买的电视剧合集。Millions of people are expected to watch the show's final episode.预计将有数百万观众收看那个节目的最后一期。What channel did you watch on television last night?昨天晚上你收看的是哪个电视频道? As a teacher's aide, I help watch the children and run errands for the teacher.作为老师的助手,我帮着照看孩子,给老师跑跑腿。I bought a watch from him.我从他那里买了块手表。The plane takes off, and we watch the ground recede.飞机起飞了,我们看到地面逐渐远去。He couldn't get in touch with her, so he would just have to watch and wait.因无法与她取得联系,他只好干等。My watch keeps good/perfect time. 我的手表走得很准。The interview was painful to watch.这个访谈节目很糟糕。I always like to keep a scorecard when I watch a baseball game.我看棒球比赛的时候总喜欢拿一张记分卡。The watch parts fell apart and jumbled up.手表的零件散了,混在了一起。The watch mechanism is extremely intricate and very difficult to repair.手表的机械结构非常复杂精细,很难修理。




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