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词汇 to hit
例句 She felt a sudden compulsion to hit him.她突然感到一种难以抗拒的冲动,想要揍他。The function of a hammer is to hit nails into wood.锤子的用途是把钉敲进木头。My most shocking moment as an interviewer was when a movie star came on drunk and threatened to hit my other guests.我的访问经历中最令人震惊的一刻,是一位电影明星喝醉了酒上来并且威胁要殴打其他嘉宾。He is hoping to hit the right note with voters.他希望打动选民。It looks deceptively easy to hit the ball into the hole.看起来似乎很容易就可以把球打进洞里,其实不然。He's always worrying about his weight, so if you want to hit him where it hurts, tell him he's looking a bit fat.他一直在担心自己的体重,如果你想刺到他的痛处,就说他有点胖。The storm was the most powerful to hit Hawaii this century. It leveled sugar plantations and destroyed homes.这是本世纪夏威夷遭遇的最强风暴。无数甘蔗园和住宅被夷为平地。Well, I guess it's time to hit the road.就这样吧,我想是时候告辞了。Looking at the keys and an ID card named Paul Kinkaid, something seemed to hit him.看着那些钥匙和一张写有保罗金凯德的身份证,他好像想起了什么。Gail tried to choke down the urge to hit him.盖尔试图忍住揍他的冲动。The opposing team were so convulsed with laughter that they almost forgot to hit the ball.客队队员笑得浑身直抖,几乎都忘记打球了。I hated my first husband. He used to hit me and the children.我恨我第一个丈夫,他过去常打我和孩子。The project went smoothly at first, but then we started to hit some problems.工程起初进展顺利,但很快我们就开始遇到了一些问题。It was very restrained of you not to hit him.你没打他,还算有克制。The ball is getting up and is not easy to hit.球迅速反弹起来,不易击中。These exercises will result in your being able to hit the ball quite acceptably.这些训练将会使你能够较好地击中球。It was the worst storm to hit Sri Lanka this century.这是本世纪斯里兰卡遭受的最严重的一场暴风雨。He's liable to hit me if I tell him that.如果我告诉他那件事,他可能会揍我。Our plan is to hit the enemy before they can hit us.我们的计划是在敌方攻击我方之前攻击敌人。I had to hit the brakes hard to avoid an accident.我不得不使劲踩刹车才避免了一场事故。A baseball thrown with spin is harder to hit.一个掷出的旋转球更难被击中。When you're doing something for the first time, you're bound to hit a few bumps along the way.第一次做某件事时,你肯定会在过程中遇到一些挫折。You can't expect to hit it off with everyone you meet.你不可能碰到谁都会一见如故。You'll have to hit the ball quite high to get it over that net.你必须把球打得相当高,这样它才能过那网。It's the latest craze to hit San Francisco.那是将影响旧金山的最新流行时尚。I really only started to hit my straps when I moved three years ago.我三年前调走时才真正开始进入巅峰状态。Jackson became the first batter since Babe Ruth to hit three successive home runs in a single game.杰克逊成了贝布·鲁思之后第一个在同一场比赛里连续三次击出本垒打的击球手。She attempted to hit the ball but missed badly.她试图击球但根本就没碰到球。I'm tired. I'm going to hit the hay.我累了,要睡觉了。Her desire to hit him was so powerful that she had to force herself to leave the room at once.她想揍他的欲望非常强烈,所以她不得不逼着自己马上离开房间。He drank another glass of whisky, but that didn't support him to hit his wife.他又喝了一杯威士忌,可这仍然没能令他鼓起勇气去打他的妻子。I can't go out tonight. I need to hit the books.我今晚不能出门,我得做功课。The young man turned to hit him, but Corbett sprang back.这个年轻人转过来打他,但科贝特向后跳开了。Officials tried to explain why the missile failed to hit its intended target.官员们曾试图解释导弹为什么没有击中预定目标。In tennis you have to hit the ball before its second bounce.打网球时必须在球第二次落地之前出手击打。Her shocking autobiography is about to hit the streets.她那本惊人的自传即将公开出版。I'm off home to hit the sack.我回家睡觉去了。Bates was chancing his arm in trying to hit the wicket from that distance.贝茨抱着侥幸的心理试图从那么远的距离击球。Sara Hughes gives a high-voltage performance in one of the most exciting plays to hit London this year.萨拉‧休斯在今年轰动伦敦的一出戏剧中奉献了极为出色的表演,该剧是今年最激动人心的作品之一。It was very mean of you to hit your wife.你打妻子, 太卑鄙了。




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