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词汇 to hide
例句 I used to hide his cigarettes from him so he couldn't smoke.我以前经常把他的香烟藏起来让他没法抽。They were working conscientiously to hide the fact that they had been late on the scene.他们正认真工作以便掩盖迟到的事实。The Establishment is trying to hide the truth.当局想要掩盖真相。The cashier juggled the accounts to hide his theft.那个出纳员窜改帐目,企图隐瞒他盗用钱款的行径。She tried to hide her nervousness, but it was clear she wasn't comfortable making the speech.她试图掩饰自己的紧张,但是她发表讲话的时候显然很不自在。Cannibal killer Jeffrey Dahmer has been caught trying to hide a razor blade in his cell.食人杀手杰弗里·达默被抓到试图将一片剃须刀片藏在牢房里。She fussed about,scarcely able to hide her impatience.她是在无谓纷扰,几乎不能掩盖其不耐烦。She dropped her glance to hide her tears.她两眼垂视以掩饰泪水。I'll find a better place to hide it.我要找一个更妥当的地方把它藏起来。It is in his interest to hide unhappy truths about his agency's performance.隐瞒他的代理机构的业绩令人不快的事实是为了他的利益。With the police closing in, he had no one to help him and no place to hide.警察越追越近,他没有人帮助,也没有地方藏身。I spent every ounce of energy trying to hide.我费尽力气想藏起来。I pulled a face to hide my embarrassment.我做了一个鬼脸来掩饰我的窘态。We all try to appear strong and attempt to hide the scared little child within.我们都努力表现得很强大,试图将内心那个胆怯的孩子掩藏起来。We'll have to hide him from the soldiers.我们得把他藏起来,以免他被士兵找到。There was nowhere to hide and nowhere to run.无处可藏,也无处可逃。My life is an open book. I have nothing to hide.我的生活清清楚楚,没什么可隐瞒的。He's never tried to hide the fact that he spent time in jail.他从不掩饰自己坐过牢的事实。We were grateful for a place to hide during the raids.空袭的时候我们庆幸有地方躲藏。He turned away to hide his tears.他转过身去,不想让别人看到他的泪水。The government had resorted to lies and evasions to hide the truth of what really happened.政府用谎言和遁词来掩盖实情。He tried to hide his distress, but the tremor in his voice was unmistakable.他尽力掩饰自己的悲痛,但是颤抖的声音却无疑表明了一切。Their mother was trying to hide her two blacked eyes.他们的母亲想遮住自己被打青的双眼。Are you trying to hide something from me?你是不是有什么事要瞒著我? They had to hide their smiles.他们不得不强忍住笑。Many people with hearing problems try to hide their condition.很多听力有问题的人试图隐瞒自己的病情。He didn't have enough clothing to hide his nakedness.他没有足够的衣服遮羞。He made no attempt to hide his displeasure.他毫不掩饰自己的不满。Lee tried to hide his excitement.李试图掩饰自己的激动心情。He made no attempt to hide his disgust at the umpire's decision, which cost him the match.对于裁判员的裁决,他丝毫没有掩饰自己的气愤,这一判决使得他输掉了这场比赛。If he was bored, he managed to hide the fact very well.或许他感到厌烦,但他掩饰得很好。She used to hide her diary under her pillow.她过去常把自己的日记藏在枕头下。I smiled to hide my unease.我微笑了一下来掩饰自己的不安。She faced away to hide her blushes.她转过头去不让人看到她脸红。The dog found a hollow in the ground to hide in from the wind.那条狗在地上发现了一个可以钻进去避风的洞。His effort to hide the document was, for practical purposes , an admission that he had made a mistake.他努力隐藏文件,实际上是承认自己犯了错误。We used to hide out from our parents here.过去我们经常躲在这儿让父母找不到。She smiled to hide her slight embarrassment.她微笑着掩盖略微不自然的感觉。Michael nodded, dipping his head to hide a smile.迈克尔点点头,低头掩饰着笑意。I just want to hide in my room until they all go home.我只想躲在自己的房间里,直到他们全都回家去。




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