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词汇 to hold
例句 The van is capacious enough to hold eight passengers easily.这辆面包车足以容纳八位乘客。Water seems to hold a fascination for him.水似乎对他具有极大的吸引力。They may have lost the game, but I still think they've earned the right to hold their heads high today.他们也许是输掉了这场比赛,但我仍然认为今天他们有权利昂首挺胸。The committee has decided to hold the hearing in public.委员会决定举行公开听证会。She's the boss but her secretary often seems to hold the reins.她是老板,但她的秘书似乎常常掌管一切。There's already a crowd of reporters outside – I'll try to hold them off for a while.外面已经有一群记者了 — 我会想法挡住他们一会儿。I was asked to hold on until Mr Brown was coming.接电话的人让我不要挂电话,布朗先生这就过来接我的电话。The government agreed to hold a referendum.政府同意进行一次全民公决。He's too angry to hold on to himself not to scold.他太生气了,甚至控制不住自己大骂了起来。You can use the container to hold paper clips, pins, and/or whatnot.你可以用这个盒子放曲别针、大头针等诸如此类的东西。Devereux ordered his men to hold their fire until the ships got closer.德弗罗命令士兵等船靠近了再开火。Ollie had to hold Tom back to prevent him retaliating.奥利不得不把汤姆挡住,阻止他报复。He tried to hold onto her but she squirmed free.他试图抓住她,但她还是挣脱了。We shall be obliged to hold you to your contract.我们将不得不迫使你方履行合约。Remember to hold your head up and keep your back straight.记住要抬头挺胸。You go off round the world, and leave me to hold the baby.你满世界地跑,把苦差事都扔给我。Please ask someone to hold the ladder.请叫人扶住梯子。Only after much persuasion from Ellis had she agreed to hold a show at all.埃利斯劝了半天她才同意办一场展览。It would be heaven to hold you in my arms again.重新拥你入怀将是天赐的幸福。For a long time citizens were denied the right to air their views fully or to hold public debates.有好长一段时间,公民没有权利畅所欲言,也不能进行公开的辩论。It took three men to hold him down.用了三个人才把他控制住。Doctors inserted a metal pin in his leg to hold the bones together.医生们把一根钢针钉进他腿里把骨头固定住。The fact that the two sides have agreed to hold negotiations is an extremely hopeful sign.双方已同意举行谈判,这是一个很好的兆头。She struggled to hold her feelings back.她拼命地控制住自己的感情。The little girl attempted to hold herself as her mother held herself.小女孩试图学她母亲的举止动作。I'm sorry to say I have to hold the ball back for half an hour, Princess Diana will join us.很抱歉,我必须把舞会开始的时间推迟半个小时,黛安娜公主要来参加我们的舞会。The last Briton to hold the title was Bert Nicholson.最后一名拥有该称号的英国人是伯特·尼科尔森。The inside of a van was as good a place as any to hold a kidnap victim.小货车内是关押被绑架人的好地方。He ordered his men to hold their fire.他命令手下先不要开火。He was struggling to hold onto a rock on the face of the cliff.他奋力想要抓住悬崖壁上的一块岩石。Her musical style is as yet too unformed to hold the attention for long.她的音乐风格尚不成熟,无法长时间抓住听众的注意力。New Age travellers were on the road again today, looking for a place to hold their midsummer festival.新时代旅行者今天再次驱车上路,寻找仲夏节的举办地点。The security men tried to hold back crowds of reporters pressing round the President's car.保安人员试图阻止记者围拥在总统的座车四周。If you want to hold someone's attention, look them directly in the eye but don't stare.如果想吸引住某人的注意力,就要直视他们的眼睛,但别死盯着。She wished they had a cooler to hold some luncheon meat, some sodas.她希望他们有个冷藏箱来放点午餐肉和汽水。Investors would be well advised to hold tight.给投资者的稳妥建议是保持观望。He kept trying to hold back his tears.他一直忍着不让眼泪流出来。She ordered a turkey sandwich and told the waiter to hold the mayo. 她点了一份火鸡三明治并告诉服务生不要涂蛋黄酱。I find it's almost impossible to hold a sensible conversation with her.我发现几乎不可能和她进行理智的谈话。A telephone operator asked him to hold.电话接线员让他不要挂断。




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