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词汇 to hitch
例句 I only want to hitch a ride home.我只是想免费搭便车回家。He plans to hitch right round the coast of Ireland.他计划就沿着爱尔兰海岸搭便车旅行。Her car broke down, so she had to hitch a ride/lift with a passing truck.她的车坏了,所以只好搭便车,坐了一辆路过的卡车。I managed to hitch a ride with someone going in my direction.我设法搭上了一个与我同方向的人的车。I want to hitch toward Boston.我想一路搭便车去波士顿。We managed to hitch a ride to Bristol with a truck driver.我们向一位卡车司机求得免费搭乘到了布里斯托尔。It is a shame to hitch up your trousers before the public.当着众人的面向上拉起裤子是丢人的行为。It's a lot cheaper to hitch but it's also more dangerous.沿途搭便车便宜得多,但也比较危险。Evidently we have to hitch a passing car.看来我们得招手搭便车了。




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