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词汇 walk home
例句 I said a hurried goodbye and walked home in the cold.我匆忙地说了声再会便冒着严寒走回了家。I had to walk home because I didn't have enough money for the fare.我只好走回家去,因为带的钱不够付车费。She walked home by herself, although she knew that it was dangerous.她一个人步行回的家,尽管她知道那样做很危险。She walked home through the teeming rain.她冒着倾盆大雨走回家去。We walked home through the drizzle.我们在蒙蒙细雨中步行回家。He had a fit as he walked home and died right off.他在步行回家途中突然发病,一下子就死了。She doesn't like to walk home late at night.她不喜欢深夜步行回家。If you walked home, how do you account for the fact that a witness said he saw you driving your van?要是你走回家的话,那么你怎么解释有证人说他看到你开着你的小型货车?It was too dark to walk home.天太黑,不能走着回家。As she walked home, she had the feeling she was being followed.走回家的路上,她总觉得有人在跟踪她。Then came the walk home and so to bed, after mince pies and a hot drink.吃完甜馅饼,喝上一杯热饮,之后就走路回家睡觉了。They walked home two abreast.他俩肩并肩地走回家去。He walked home from school.他从学校走回了家。They walked home through the pounding rain.他们在瓢泼大雨中走回家。I warned you not to walk home alone.我告诫过你不要一个人走回家。Do not on any account walk home by yourself.无论如何别独自步行回家去。She unwisely decided to walk home alone.她愚蠢地决定自己一个人走路回家。He walked home whistling cheerfully.他欢快地吹着口哨步行回家。He walked home with a heavy heart and halting steps.他怀着沉重的心情,迈着蹒跚的步子走回家去。After lying on the street for two hours the souse sobered up and walked home.在街上躺了两个小时后,酒鬼醒了过来走回家去。Josh resigned himself to the long walk home.乔希只好走很长的路回家。If we miss the last bus, we'll have to walk home.如果我们错过末班车,就得步行回家。At night, walk home with a friend. There's safety in numbers.晚上要跟朋友一起回家,人多保险。He walks home from school every day.他每天都从学校走回家。I walked home in the drizzling rain.我冒着毛毛雨走回了家。I walked home across the green.我穿过草地走回家。They have to walk home and it's quite some distance.这段路相当远,他们却只好走路回家。We walked home arm-in-arm in the magical moonlight.我们在美妙的月色下手牵手走回了家。We walked home through the wind and the rain.我们顶着风雨走路回家。




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