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词汇 very nervous
例句 By the time it came to my turn to sing, I was very nervous.轮到我唱歌的时候,我都快紧张死了。She was a very nervous woman.她是一个非常神经质的女人。I get very nervous because I'm using a lot of expensive equipment.因为正在使用很多昂贵的设备,所以我非常紧张。Mac was very nervous. A muscle on his face began to twitch.马克非常紧张,他脸上的肌肉也开始抽动了。For all his seeming calmness, he was really very nervous.尽管他表面上镇定,其实非常紧张。She was very nervous about introducing James to her children, but they warmed to him immediately.她对向孩子们介绍詹姆斯紧张不已,但他们很快就对他产生了好感。I get very nervous when I have to speak in public.我要在公众场合讲话时就变得紧张起来。I was suddenly very nervous.我忽然非常紧张。She was apparently a very nervous woman, and that affected her career.她显然是一个很神经质的女人,这一点影响了她的事业。She was very nervous about the interview, so I went along to give her some moral support.她对面试非常紧张,所以我和她一起去,给她一些精神支持。He's considerate and sweet-tempered but of a very nervous disposition.他待人体贴、性情温和,但是十分神经质。On the rare occasions when he spoke, his voice sounded very nervous.他难得开口,而只要一开口嗓音总是战战兢兢的。It was a very nervous situation.形势非常令人担忧。I'm very nervous about the surgery. Will you say a prayer for me?我对动手术感到非常紧张。你能为我祈祷吗?I get very nervous before a big race.大赛前我会变得很紧张。She's a very nervous dog, and she's petrified of traffic.它是条很胆怯的狗,被来往车辆吓坏了。Despite my repeated assurances, Rob still looked very nervous.尽管我再三保证,罗布看起来还是很紧张。On the day of his wedding he was very nervous.结婚那天他非常紧张。She still gets very nervous about performing in public.她对公开演奏仍感到非常紧张。Most people would have been very nervous in that situation, but she never turned a hair.大多数人在那种情况下都会很紧张,但她却丝毫不慌乱。




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