例句 |
She would never feel welcome in this city with its cold, unsmiling inhabitants.置身这个城市里冷漠、面无笑容的居民之中,她永远不会感到受欢迎。The officers in the old photo are lined up stiff, straight, and unsmiling.老照片中的军官们姿态僵硬、挺直、不带笑容地排成一行。The soldiers were tense and unsmiling.士兵们紧绷着脸,面无笑容。John had remained silent and unsmiling throughout the interchange.在整个交谈过程中约翰始终保持沉默且不露笑容。His face remained inscrutable and unsmiling.他的脸还是让人看不懂,没有笑容。He was unsmiling and silent.他不苟言笑,沉默寡言。He stared at her, unsmiling.他盯着她,神情严肃。He remained unsmiling.他依然不苟言笑。 |