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词汇 unfortunate
例句 One unfortunate experience prejudiced him against all lawyers.一次不幸的经历使他对所有律师产生偏见。The treatment has some unfortunate side effects.这一疗法有一些不好的副作用。It was unfortunate that his teacher did not like him.令人遗憾的是他的老师不喜欢他。He had the unfortunate knack of making enemies in the party.不幸的是,他总是在党内树敌。There remains an unfortunate and, at times, obstructive level of bureaucracy.依然存在着可悲的、有时甚至是起阻碍作用的官僚作风。It is really most unfortunate.这真是太不幸了。Government accepted the whole affair to be an unfortunate accident.政府承认这整个事件是一桩不幸的意外。The loss of jobs was an unfortunate by-product of the industry's switch to new technology.失业是产业向新技术转型时产生的不良后果。This comment was doubly unfortunate for Bob as he lost friends and further antagonized enemies.这批评让鲍勃里外不是人,因为他既失去了朋友又招致敌人更多的怨恨。Our hearts bleed for that unfortunate woman.我们由衷地同情那个不幸的女人。Some unfortunate person passing below could all too easily be seriously injured.从下面经过的倒霉蛋儿很容易受重伤。It was unfortunate that the kick was a sorry one, the ball flying over the goal.很不幸,这一脚踢得太差劲,球从球门上飞过去了。He says he just wants to forget the whole unfortunate episode.他说他只想忘记那整段不幸的日子。It's unfortunate that so few people seem willing to help.很遗憾,愿意帮忙的人太少。She was unfortunate enough to have been chosen as an example.她被抓了个典型,真够倒霉的。Through some unfortunate accident, the information was late.由于发生了某种不幸的事故,这条消息没有及时传达。By an unfortunate coincidence, their house was broken into on the day he lost his job.不幸的是,在他丢了工作的那天,他们家又偏巧遭窃。The later model has an unfortunate tendency to collapse after a few weeks' use.后一型号用不了几个星期就有易于崩溃的坏毛病。Every year we have charity days to raise money for unfortunate people.每年我们都有慈善日来筹款帮助贫困人群。He was one of those unfortunate people who put on weight very easily.他就属于那种非常容易发胖的倒霉蛋儿。An unfortunate conjunction of circumstances led to his downfall.一连串不幸事件同时发生,导致了他的下台。She has inherited her father's large nose, which is very unfortunate.她遗传了父亲的大鼻子,真是太不幸了。Hungary and Poland have suffered before because of their unfortunate geopolitical position on the European map.匈牙利和波兰因其在欧洲地图上的极为不利的地缘政治位置而备受磨难。Job losses are an unfortunate byproduct of the recession.失业是经济衰退的不幸产物。This unfortunate business hasn't left any shadow.这件不幸的事并未留下任何阴影。The joke was an unfortunate misfire.那个笑话讲得很不成功。It really is desperately unfortunate that this should have happened just now.刚才竟发生这样的事儿,实在是太不合时宜了。Her unfortunate choice of phrase offended most of the audience.她不恰当的措辞惹恼了大多数观众。The mistake was due to an unfortunate oversight on my part.这一错误是由于我一时疏忽造成的。It was very unfortunate that someone ended up getting hurt.很不幸,最后有些人受伤了。It is another unfortunate myth of our culture that older people are asexual.我们的文化里还有一种错误观念,就是认为上了年纪的人就不再有性欲了。The housing director's comment that "the homeless could do more to help themselves" was unfortunate.住房主任说的那句“无家可归者可以做更多的事来自助”是不恰当的。Through some unfortunate accident, the information reached me a day late.由于发生了不幸的意外,我知道消息的时候已经晚了一天。The mix-up was the result of a set of unfortunate circumstances.这个混乱的局面是由一连串不幸的境遇导致的。The unfortunate victims of the pension fund fraud are unlikely to get their money back.养老基金骗局的不幸受害者不大可能拿回被骗走的钱。Vega scored an unfortunate own goal when he slipped as he tried to clear the ball.维加想把球解围时脚下一滑,不幸自摆乌龙。Apparently he had been unfortunate enough to fall victim to a gang of thugs.他显然不幸落入了一群歹徒之手。It was unfortunate for Davey that his teacher did not take kindly to him.戴维真倒霉,老师不喜欢他。He has an unfortunate tendency to show up late.他有个爱迟到的毛病。What an unfortunate fate the gods had condemned her to.众神加诸她的是多么不幸的命运啊。




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