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词汇 blank out
例句 She has blanked out what happened that night.那天晚上发生的事她完全不记得了。I was trying to blank out previous situations from my mind.我试图将先前的境遇从大脑中抹去。Some of the names in the report have been blanked out.报告中的一些人名已被勾掉了。In this exercise, a word is blanked out and you have to guess what it is by looking at the context.在这个练习中,有一个单词被抽去了,你必须根据上下文猜测这个单词是什么。The thunder of the sea on the rocks seemed to blank out other thoughts.海水拍打礁石的咆哮声似乎要淹没一切思绪。He suggested that those entries be blanked out.他建议删去那几个条目。Some of the words had been blanked out.有些词被涂掉了。Some of the names in the report have been blanked out.报告中有些名字已经被抹掉了。Levers are blanked out of strip steel.杠杆是用钢条冲压出来的。The television screen blanked out.电视屏幕上的图像变得模糊了。There was a solid punch to my face. I blanked out and hit the floor.我脸上挨了重重一拳,感到一阵眩晕栽倒在地板上。I tried to blank out everything he had said.我尽量把他的话从脑海中全部抹去。Part of the report was blanked out.报告的一部分被删去了。His mind blanked out as he was hit hard and lost consciousness.当他被猛击失去知觉时,头脑中完全是一片空白。The heavy curtain blanked out the window's light.厚厚的窗帘使窗口射入的光线模糊不清。The injury blanked out parts of his memory.受伤使他丧失了部分记忆。The laughter blanked out when the teacher came in the classroom.当老师进入教室时笑声渐渐消失。The actual names had been blanked out.真实姓名被涂掉了。There may be a traumatic incident in your past that you have blanked out.过去你可能经历过创伤,而你已经从记忆中抹去了。They blanked out parts of the document before making it public.他们在将文件公布于众之前,删除了部分内容。I don't know what happened – I just blanked out.我不知道发生了什么事,我的脑子一片空白。




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