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词汇 枯死
例句 The plants withered and died.这些植物枯死了。I made my home there, in the hollow of a dying elm.我在一棵快要枯死的榆树的树洞里安了家。We sawed off the dead branches.我们把枯死的树枝锯掉。The plant was near dead when I got it.我拿到这株植物时,它几近枯死The plant shrivels and dies.这株植物枯死了。There was so little rain that most of the crops shrivelled up and died.雨下得那么少,大部分的庄稼都枯死了。Most of the tree was dead, so we had to cut it down.这棵树枯死了一大半,所以我们只好砍掉它。If left, the sucker will flourish and the grafted rose will dwindle and perish for lack of sustenance.一旦疏于管理,根出条将会猛长,而嫁接的玫瑰就会因缺乏营养而枯死The plants all died in the drought.大旱之中植物都枯死了。If the soil dries out, the tree could die.如果土壤干透,这棵树可能会枯死The leaves of the tree are dying off.树上的叶子相继枯死Plants tend to die in hot weather if you don't water them.植物在炎热天气如不浇水容易枯死She removed the dead flowers with a snip of her scissors.她用剪子剪掉枯死的花朵。The bushfire actually helped to burn off a lot of dead undergrowth.森林大火实际上有助于烧掉很多枯死的矮树丛。Clear away dead or diseased plants.清除掉枯死和染上病虫害的植物。Weeds can quickly choke delicate garden plants.野草很快就会使娇弱的园林植物枯死The crops died during the drought.久旱无雨期间,庄稼都枯死了。The lack of rain put together with the heat ruined many of the region's crops.缺雨加上高温天气使得这一地区许多庄稼都枯死了。Trees are dying in areas where acid rain is most prevalent.在酸雨非常严重的地区,树木正面临枯死Typical symptoms of acid rain include deformed and dying trees, and trees with vastly reduced numbers of leaves.酸雨的主要征候为树木变形、枯死,树叶大大减少。The bushfire actually helped to burn off a lot of dead undergrowth.林区大火实际上有助于清除很多枯死的矮灌木。




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