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The daily grind of government is done by Her Majesty's Civil Service.枯燥的日常政务都由女王陛下的政府行政部门来处理。Those with more discriminating tastes are likely to find the movie dull and clichéd.那些更有鉴赏力的观众很有可能觉得这部电影枯燥老套。He did his best to breathe a little vitality into the lacklustre proceedings.他用尽全力为乏味枯燥的议程注入一丝活力。Mr Stocks can expect a gruelling week on the publicity treadmill.斯托克斯先生可以预见下一周会被枯燥繁重的宣传工作搞得焦头烂额。The lesson was deadly dull.这堂课枯燥至极。The work was tiring and tedious.这工作很累,很枯燥。This is such a boring town - there's nothing to do in the evenings.这镇子太枯燥了,晚上没事可干。Her London life was sedate, almost mundane.她在伦敦的生活平淡无奇,几乎有些枯燥。Some of our lectures were pretty deadly!我们有些讲座枯燥极了!He has written a batch of very samey tunes.他写了一组非常单调枯燥的曲子。The teacher was known for his long-winded explanations.这位教师以讲解啰唆枯燥而出名。That lecture really tested my powers of endurance, it was so boring.那个讲座简直是在考验我的忍耐力,实在太枯燥了。The work was boring but there was the chance to learn a bit about joinery.工作虽然枯燥,但有机会学些细木工手艺。I had to do the donkey work.我不得不干枯燥的苦差事。She thought household chores were menial and unimportant.她认为家务活既枯燥又不重要。Poems which had seemed dull and boring suddenly came to life.原本显得沉闷枯燥的诗歌突然有了生气。Those books seem very dull beside this one.与这本书相比,那些书似乎都很枯燥。She knows how to reanimate a dull conversation.她知道如何让枯燥的谈话活跃起来。He can expect a gruelling week on the publicity treadmill.他可以预见下一周会被枯燥繁重的宣传工作搞得焦头烂额。She read the story in a dull monotone.她用枯燥的单音调读这个故事。The work gets a little dull at times.这份工作有时候有点儿枯燥。Exercising alone can be boring.独自锻炼会很枯燥。All too often they become enmeshed in deadening routines.他们时常陷入枯燥的日常事务之中。Reading from a tedious technical brief for hours on end, he would stray into difficult territory.连续看上几个小时枯燥的技术简报后,他会不由自主地钻起牛角尖来。When the options are unemployment or a boring job, having babies can seem like the only means of self-fulfilment.如果只能在失业或枯燥的工作中进行选择,那么生孩子似乎是达到自我满足的唯一途径。Despite all the hype, I thought the book was pretty boring.这本书尽管大肆宣传,我还是觉得挺枯燥的。My job bores me-I feel I'm in a rut.我的工作让我厌烦 - 我觉得自己的生活很枯燥。I decided that teaching was too tame for me.我最终认为教书对我来说太枯燥。She thinks the corporate world is dull and confining. 她觉得企业界既枯燥又约束人。She enjoys reading about tax law and other wonky stuff.她喜欢读税法以及其他一些枯燥的东西。The dry facts of history take on flesh and blood under his pen.在他的笔下,枯燥的历史事实写得有血有肉。She had spent another dreary day in the office.她在办公室里又度过了枯燥的一天。This remark enlivened an otherwise dull and predictable speech.这句话让原本枯燥老套的演讲变得生动有趣起来。There's never a dull moment in our house, especially as there are ten of us living here.我们的房子里从来都不会有片刻枯燥无聊的,尤其是因为这里住着我们十个人。They look forward to retirement as a release from dull and taxing jobs.他们盼望退休以摆脱枯燥而繁重的工作。The article is informative enough, but it's a little dull - we need something to lift it.这篇文章的信息量够大,但有些枯燥——我们需要增强它的趣味性。She is discontented with her dull life.她对枯燥的生活牢骚满腹。The glossy, colourful cover was totally at odds with its dull academic content.这光泽艳丽的封面与枯燥的学术内容完全不相称。The job itself is deadly boring, but it's an in to a career in publishing.这工作本身是十分枯燥的,但却是在出版业发展的好机会。She wanted to be a pilot, but instead she ended up pushing papers in a government job.她想成为一名飞行员,但是最后却在政府机构做枯燥的文牍工作。 |