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词汇 枫树
例句 The maple trees were in their autumn glory of russets, reds and browns.正值秋季,赤褐色、红色和棕色的枫树绚烂夺目。They tied a rope to one of the limbs of the maple tree.他们在那棵枫树的一根枝干上系了绳子。The maples wavered in the wind.枫树在风中摇曳。The maple leaf is an emblem of Canada.枫树叶是加拿大的象征。Maple trees put on their best show in the autumn.秋天,枫树便呈现出最绚丽的色彩。Their house is on Maple Lane.他们的房子在枫树巷。He dug a hole in our yard on Edgerton Avenue to plant a maple tree when I was born.我出生的时候,他在埃杰顿大街我们家的园圃里挖了个坑,种了棵枫树




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