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词汇 to mislead
例句 Statistics taken on their own are liable to mislead.单纯看统计数据容易被误导。It was a deliberate attempt to mislead people.那是对人们的故意误导。How very wrong of him to mislead you in this way!他如此把你引入歧途,真是居心不良啊!The report is a deliberate and obvious attempt to mislead.这份报告是在故意而且明目张胆地误导。We believe that her comments were deliberately meant to mislead.我们认为她的话是刻意误导。It was a deliberate attempt to mislead the voters.这是故意在企图误导选民。Some manufacturers see the current labelling regulations as licence to mislead shoppers.一些制造商把现行的标签法规当作误导消费者的许可证。It is frighteningly easy to mislead voters.选民极其容易被误导。He ignored the clues Bob had left behind to mislead any possible pursuers.他没有理会鲍勃留下的用以把跟踪者引错方向的线索。Macdonald accepted that such information could be used to manipulate, to obfuscate, and to mislead.麦克唐纳相信这样的信息可以用来操纵舆论,蒙蔽误导。He wouldn't try to mislead you - it's not his style.他不会有意误导你的——他不是那种人。Our force pulled back in order to mislead the enemy.我们的部队撤退是为了迷惑敌人。I'm not suggesting you deliberately tried to mislead us, just that you made a mistake.我并不是说你有意在误导我们,只是说你搞错了。We believe that her comments were deliberately meant to mislead the public.我们认为她的话是蓄意误导公众。It would be dishonest to mislead people about this.在这一点上误导大家是欺骗行为。Advertisements of that kind are apt to mislead.那种广告往往使人上当受骗。




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