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I locked myself out but Yuki had her keys and saved the day.我把自己锁在门外,还好尤纪有钥匙,解救了我。Just when things looked hopeless, my brother came along and saved the day.正当事情一团糟时,我哥哥过来收拾了烂摊子。Most of these movies have characters racing against the clock to save the day.在大部分的这类电影中,主人公都是为力挽狂澜而争分夺秒。It could have been an absolute car crash but Dolores stepped in and saved the day.情况糟透了,但德洛丽丝出手相助,挽回了局面。The team seemed to be heading for disaster until a late goal saved the day.这支球队似乎就要陷入绝境,直到后来凭借一颗进球才扭转败局。A last moment election can save the day.最后一刻举行选举可能会反败为胜。Jodie saved the day with a piece of quick thinking.乔迪急中生智,挽回了局面。A last-minute election might save the day for Prime Minister Ogleby.最后关头的选举或许会帮奥格比首相反败为胜。 |