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词汇 save us
例句 That will save us a lot of trouble.那将给我们免去许多麻烦。Nothing could save us from disaster.什么也不能把我们从灾难中解救出来。This will save us a substantial amount of money/time.这将为我们节省大笔资金/大量时间。This new plan will help us save time. = The new plan will save us some time.这个新计划会帮助我们节约时间。The computer will save us a lot of time.电脑将使我们省下许多时间。We might as well stock up while we're here - it'll save us having to come back.我们既然到了这里就不妨多买点东西—这样我们可以省得再来一次。If you'd read the note, it would have saved us some trouble.如果你当时读了便条,我们就会省去一些麻烦。They arrived in the nick of time to save us.在紧要关头他们正好赶到来救我们。These robots will save us a lot of labor.这些机器人可以节省我们大量劳工。It's a trick that might just save us from total disaster.这是一个满可以让我们免遭溃败的招数。




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