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词汇 savings
例句 The old lady was conned out of her life savings by a crooked insurance dealer.这个老太太的毕生积蓄被一个奸诈的保险商骗走了。We've used up all our savings.我们把积蓄都花光了。They robbed her of her life savings.他们盗走了她一生的积蓄。My gambling has made great inroads on my savings.赌博使我耗去大量的储蓄。We had to use every last bit of our savings.我们只得花掉所有的积蓄。He gambled his savings to start a small store.他孤注一掷地用自己的积蓄开了一家小店。Unable to resist the siren call of the cards, he withdrew their savings and headed for Las Vegas.他无法抵挡赌牌的诱惑,便提取了他们的存款前往拉斯韦加斯。Holidays can make a big hole in your savings.假期会花去你一大笔存款。The high cost of living in London is eating into my savings.伦敦生活费用太高了,我的积蓄都花出去不少了。The loss of his savings dashed his plan for a trip round the world.他的积蓄丢失了,这使他作环球旅行的计划成了泡影。Many savings banks pay interest every quarter.许多储蓄银行按季支付利息。Getting a new car has taken a big bite out of our savings.买新轿车用掉了我们很大一部分积蓄。They had to dig into their savings to pay for the funeral.他们不得不拿出一部分积蓄来支付丧葬费。We managed to leave our savings untouched when we bought the new car.我们买新车时设法没有动用储蓄。He's socked away hundreds of dollars in a savings account.他在储蓄账户中存了几百美元。The savings at the end of the first year will be considerable.到第一年的年底,节省的金额将会很可观。She scraped together the last of her savings.她凑拢自己最后的那点积蓄。She suggested to me that I might like to start regular savings and I said Well, I don't know whether I can stretch to that.她建议我可以开始定期存钱,我说我还不知道钱是不是够花呢。A cut in interest rates will erode the value of people's savings.利率的降低会减少人们的存款。Mary has already cleaned out all her savings.玛丽已用完了她所有的积蓄。When she lost her job, her only consolation was that she had some savings in the bank.她失去工作后,唯一的安慰就是银行里还有些积蓄。The shares will be held in a tax-free individual savings account wrapper.股份将通过免税的个人储蓄包管账户持有。I invested some money in savings bonds.我在储蓄债券上投了一些钱。The repairs on our house soaked up all our savings.修缮房子花光了我们所有的积蓄。They'll quite happily squander a whole year's savings on two weeks in the sun.他们会心甘情愿地把全年的积蓄花掉,度两个星期的阳光假期。His savings are a cushion against sickness.他的积蓄可备他生病时使用。He applied a portion of his salary to savings.他把工资一部分拨作储蓄之用。I'd given them all of my savings before I realized I was being screwed. 我把所有的积蓄给了他们之后才意识到我被骗了。His parents lost their life savings when the stock market crashed.那时股市崩盘,他父母一生的积蓄都付诸东流了。What he has spent is a drain on the savings of his parents.他所花费的会耗尽他父母的积蓄。We use our savings as a cushion against major expenses.我们将存款留待有大笔开销时使用。He withdrew savings from a major bank just two days before it was declared insolvent.就在一家大银行宣告破产前的两天,他取出了存款。They ploughed all their savings into their daughter's business.他们将所有的积蓄都投到了女儿的生意里。The Consumer Federation claims banks are ripping you off by not passing along savings on interest rates.消费者联盟声称银行在坑骗客户,因为它们没有把从利率上节省下的钱拿来进行反馈。The medical expenses diminished his savings.医疗费耗去了他的积蓄。The holiday made a big dent in our savings.度假花去了我们很大一部分的存款。The couple have wrangled away their savings.夫妻俩由于争吵把积蓄都花光了。Even her retirement savings were fair game for her creditors.甚至她的退休储蓄金都成了她债权人的觊觎目标。Putting your savings in a high-interest account is a good bet.把你的积蓄存进高利率储蓄户头是明智之举。The mounting legal costs quickly gobbled up their savings.日益增加的诉讼费很快耗尽了他们的积蓄。




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