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词汇 to air
例句 She was opening windows and shutters to air the empty rooms.她正把窗户和百叶窗打开,让空房间通通风。She hung her clothes up to air them a little.她把衣服挂起来晾一晾。Ink particles attach themselves to air bubbles and rise to the surface.墨汁颗粒附着在气泡上,浮到表面上。The uprising at Southport prison ended after inmates were allowed to air their grievances to the media.犯人被允许向媒体诉说不满之后,绍斯波特监狱的暴动平息了下去。She opened the windows to air the room.她打开窗户让房间通风。She opened the windows to air out the room.她打开窗户让房间通风。She's a woman of very pronounced views which she is not afraid to air.她是个从不讳言其观点的女人。They say gas guzzlers are contributing to air pollution.他们说高油耗汽车是造成空气污染的原因之一。Cars are still one of the principal contributors to air pollution.汽车仍是空气污染的主要因素之一。The meeting will be a chance to air your grievances about the organization.你可以利用这次会面申诉你对组织的不满。I've left my sweater outside to air.我把毛衣放在外面透透风。Such a strategic attack, mounted by cyberterrorists, would shut down everything from power stations to air traffic control centres.由网络恐怖分子发起的这种有战略性的袭击,可能会使得从发电厂到空中交通管制中心的所有设施全部瘫痪。A number of products have been developed which are permeable to air and water.一些既透气又透水的产品已开发出来。Exposure to air will spoil the wine.葡萄酒接触空气会破坏酒质。For a long time citizens were denied the right to air their views fully or to hold public debates.有好长一段时间,公民没有权利畅所欲言,也不能进行公开的辩论。We have no wish to air the matter.我们并不希望公开此事。Lady Wilson had views on everything and didn't scruple to air them.威尔逊女士对一切事物都有自己的看法,而且会毫无顾忌地表达出来。The blankets were left outside to air.这些毯子被放在外面晾晒。You can leave your jacket out on the clothesline to air.你可以把夹克留在绳上晾干。Migrating birds show extreme sensitivity to air currents.迁徙中的鸟对气流极为敏感。The program is due to air next month.这个节目定于下月播出。The meeting gave employees an opportunity to air their grievances.这次会议给了雇员一次诉说不满的机会。Those sheets need to air before they go back on the bed.那些床单得先晾干才能铺回床上。The city is exposed and vulnerable to air attack.这个城市毫无防守,容易受到空袭。Several customers came to the front desk to air their grievances.几名顾客到前台投诉。For a change, the fight will be televised free to air on the Fox Network.与以往不同的是,这场拳击赛将在福克斯电视网免费播出。The television network's executives decided not to air the controversial show.电视广播公司的领导层决定不播出这一有争议的节目。The meeting gave everyone the chance to air their views.会议给了每个人发表意见的机会。Old-fashioned ceiling fans have been making a comeback as a cheap and reliable alternative to air conditioning.老式的吊扇又流行了起来,它价钱廉宜、性能可靠,是空调之外的另一种选择。The debate gave them a chance to air their differences. 这场辩论给他们提供了一次讨论分歧的机会。




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