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词汇 tatters
例句 The myth of the invincibility of the Empire's war machine lay in tatters.该帝国战争机器不可战胜的神话破灭了。After the war, the economy was in tatters. 战争之后,经济一片破败。A few tatters of clothing still covered the dead body.几块残破的衣片还盖在尸体上。His mind in tatters, he wasn't able to control the ricochet course of his thoughts.他的头脑陷于瘫痪状态,没法控制自己紊乱的思绪。Her marriage now lay in tatters.她的婚姻现已破裂。Her hopes lay in tatters.她的希望破灭了。He arrived with his garments in tatters.他来了,身上的衣服破旧不堪。My plan was in tatters.我的计划破产了。They were dressed in tatters. 他们穿得破烂不堪。Her clothes were old and in tatters.她的衣服又旧又破。His career and personal life in tatters, John had retreated to the sanctuary of his mother's house.约翰的事业和个人生活全毁了,他躲进了他妈妈的房子里寻求庇护。Her clothes were in tatters, but she held two bottles of expensive whiskey under her arms.她的衣服破旧,但腋下夹着两瓶昂贵的威士忌。The economy is in tatters.经济已千疮百孔。His jersey was left in tatters.他的运动衫已破烂不堪。Peter was dejected, his confidence in tatters.彼得情绪低落,一点信心也没有了。They tore his argument to tatters.他们把他的论点驳得体无完肤。Tonight, the peace agreement lies in tatters.今晚,和平协议被彻底撕毁了。Everywhere wallpaper hung in tatters.到处垂挂着破碎的壁纸。After the newspaper story appeared his reputation was in tatters.事情见报后,他的名誉大大受损。Her clothes were reduced to tatters.她衣服已近褴褛。




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