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词汇 switching
例句 He kept switching back and forth between topics.他在不同话题之间来回切换。The encouragement of a friend spurred Chris into switching jobs.在一位朋友的鼓励下,克理斯换了工作。He saved on his car insurance by switching to a different insurance company.他换了一家保险公司,汽车保险的开销减少了。Estonia is switching to a market economy.爱沙尼亚正在向市场经济转轨。Did you understand the part about switching the modem speed?对于转换调制解调器速率的那一部分你理解吗?He was accused of switching price labels on goods in a supermarket.他被指控调换了超市里的商品价格标签。Journalists are switching their attention to other members of the royal family.新闻记者们正在把注意力转移到皇室家族的其他成员身上。In the current economic situation, switching careers may not be such a good idea.按照目前的经济形势,改行转业不是很明智的做法。Would you mind switching the television to channel 8?请把电视转到第八频道好吗? In switching to the metric system, the nation's approach is the quick plunge.在改用公制方面,这个国家采用的办法是说干就干,立即行动。A computer calculates by switching currents on or off.计算机通过接通或断开电流进行计算。Among regional MPs, there is a particular aversion to switching leaders ahead of the next poll.区议员们对在下一轮投票前更换领导人的做法很是不满。Check all your wiring before switching on the current.开启电流前要检查所有供电线路。She worked as a librarian before switching to journalism.她在转行当记者前是图书馆管理员。Be sure the handle is in the right position before switching on the machine.在开动机器前要确定把手处于正常位置。This key is for switching off the computer.这个键是用来关闭电脑的。He's wise in other ways too, as evidenced by his reason for switching from tennis to golf.他在其他方面也聪明,这一点从他不打网球改打高尔夫球的理由上可以清楚地看出来。He was accused of switching the price labels on goods.他被指控换掉了货品上的价格标签。This leaflet should answer all the questions you have about switching to digital TV.这本小册子应该可以解答你关于如何转换到数字电视的所有问题。Do you mind switching the telly on a second?开一会儿电视行吗?The encouragement of a friend spurred Chris into switching jobs.在一位朋友的鼓励下,克里斯换了工作。




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