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词汇 昨晚
例句 Two prisoners absconded last night.昨晚有两个犯人逃跑了。Last night the headmaster promised a full investigation.校长昨晚答应进行全面调查。She drank too much last night and woke up sick this morning.昨晚喝得太多了,早晨醒来就吐了。A truck driver died last night when his vehicle overturned.昨晚一辆卡车翻了车,司机死亡。I got a call from my brother last night.昨晚我接到了哥哥打来的电话。He wasn't with his usual crowd last night.昨晚没有跟平常在一起玩的那帮人在一起。Mr Aston's father was last night being comforted by relatives.阿斯顿先生的父亲昨晚得到了亲戚们的安慰。The President gave a lengthy address to the nation on CBS last night.昨晚总统通过哥伦比亚广播公司向国民发表长篇演说。Last night we pigged out and ate three pizzas.昨晚我们埋头大吃,吃了三块比萨饼。Our neighbors were arguing again last night. They went at it for almost an hour.昨晚我们的邻居又吵架了,吵了将近一个小时。He's a funny guy, and last night he was really on a roll. 他是个有趣的人,昨晚他讲了很多有趣的事。We went to a jazz concert last night.我们昨晚去听爵士音乐会。Our team suffered another humiliating defeat last night.昨晚我们队又一次遭受惨败。God, I got so high last night.天哪,昨晚我吸毒后兴奋得很。You should've come to the party last night, Manya.曼雅,你昨晚应该来参加聚会。The wife of one of the hostages appeared on TV last night to plead for her husband's life.其中一名人质的妻子昨晚在电视上露面,苦苦哀求留她丈夫一命。I haven't felt right since I ate that meal last night.昨晚自打我吃了那些东西,就一直感到很难受。They did three shops last night.他们昨晚抢劫了三家店铺。The poll showed that the Democrat won last night's presidential debate.民意调查显示民主党赢得了昨晚的总统辩论。I forgot I'd arranged to meet Richard last night - it completely slipped my mind.我忘记安排了昨晚要与理查德会面——我完全给忘了。The team gave an embarrassing performance at Hampden last night.球队昨晚在汉普登体育场的表现很差劲。Last night in the hospital he'd looked a little green around the gills.昨晚在医院他看起来脸色有点发青。We ran out of gas on the freeway last night.昨晚我们在高速公路上时用光了汽油。I was in a bad temper last night.昨晚我心情不好。Little of last night’s speech dwelled on foreign policy.昨晚的发言并未对外交政策进行详述。Roland Nilsson last night backed Sheffield Wednesday to win the UEFA Cup.昨晚罗兰·尼尔森打赌谢菲尔德周三队会捧得欧洲联盟杯。The oysters I had last night haven't agreed with me.昨晚吃的牡蛎一直不消化。Did you tape the film last night?昨晚录了那部电影吗?They went on a bat last night.昨晚他们纵酒作乐。The troops passed through the village yesterday evening.部队于昨晚穿过这座村庄。I saw the worst comedy act I've ever seen last night - it was absolutely toe-curling!昨晚我看到了我所见过的最糟糕的喜剧表演——真替他害臊!Heavy gunfire broke out in the capital last night.昨晚首都响起了密集的枪炮声。It took me almost an hour to get to sleep last night.昨晚我差不多过了一个小时才入睡。Leaders of the banned party were arrested last night.被取缔党派的领导人昨晚遭到逮捕。We went to a nightclub in town last night and got absolutely plastered.我们昨晚到城里的一家夜总会去,喝了个烂醉。We were chattering about the events of last night.我们在闲聊昨晚发生的事情。Did you sleep well last night?昨晚睡得可好?We have received a number of complaints about last night's programme.我们接到好几个有关昨晚节目的投诉。River Plate's win last night has considerably increased their chances of promotion this season.河床队昨晚的胜利大大增加了他们本赛季晋级的可能性。Violence erupted outside the prison last night.昨晚监狱外面爆发了暴力事件。




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