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词汇 昨日
例句 They can redeem themselves for yesterday's loss by winning today's game.他们可以通过赢得今天的比赛来弥补昨日的失利。The courier tried to deliver a parcel yesterday but I'd already left.快递员昨日想投递一个包裹,但我已经离开了。Demonstrators surged through the capital city yesterday, ignoring threats of reprisals from the government.示威人群昨日涌向首都—他们对政府要秋后算账的威胁置之不理。When you have a broken heart there is no tomorrow, only endless yesterdays.当心已破碎,明天便不再,只有无尽的昨日The British team was returning home yesterday to lick its wounds after defeat by India.英国队负于印度队后,昨日回国休整。And yesterday the Zoo's fate was sealed, largely due to two months of ever-dwindling entrance figures.昨日,伦敦动物园面临着关闭的命运,主要因为两个月来游客数量持续下滑。The stock market suffered a major jolt yesterday.股市昨日遭遇重创。I think more singers have covered "Yesterday" than any other song.我想翻唱《昨日》的歌手人数超过其他任何一首歌的翻唱人数。I remember sitting at that table and listening to him speak as if it were yesterday.我记得坐在那张桌子旁听着他说话,一切都恍如昨日The shipment of tools arrived at the dock in cargo containers yesterday.昨日,用货物集装箱装载的工具运抵码头。Political leaders united yesterday to condemn the latest wave of violence.政界领袖昨日联合起来对最近激增的暴力事件予以谴责。Are yesterday's truths today's irrelevancies?昨日的真理难道到了今天就成了离题的空论?It seems quite warm today by contrast with yesterday's icy wind.昨日凛冽的寒风一比,今天可算相当暖和了。Benton appeared in court yesterday on three charges of assault.本顿面临三项袭击指控,昨日出庭受审。Today's commonplaces are often yesterday's dreamboats.今天司空见惯的东西常常是昨日梦想中的事物。Fair weather was the rule yesterday.昨日天气普遍晴朗。I remember my first day of school like it was yesterday.回想我上学的第一天,还宛如昨日Striking workers halted production at the auto plant yesterday.罢工工人于昨日停止了汽车厂的生产。The BBC yesterday defended a series featuring dramatic crime reconstructions against suggestions of voyeurism.英国广播公司昨日为一部生动再现犯罪活动的电视剧进行了辩护,称其并无窥探隐私之嫌。A number of leading human rights activists were arrested yesterday.几名人权活动领袖昨日被捕。He flew in yesterday.昨日乘飞机到达。The inquest into their deaths opened yesterday.对他们死因的调查昨日启动。The BBC yesterday defended a series featuring dramatic crime reconstructions against suggestions of voyeurism.英国广播公司昨日为一部生动再现犯罪活动的电视系列剧进行了辩护,称其并没有窥探他人隐私之嫌。The couple arrived separately at London Airport yesterday.夫妇俩于昨日先后抵达伦敦机场。An elderly woman froze to death, an inquest heard yesterday.调查团昨日审理了老妇冻死一案。In reply to your letter of yesterday's date, I have to inform you that ...昨日来信收悉,兹答复如下… It's the latest setback in a horrendous year for the fallen hero.这是这位昨日英雄在诸事不顺的一年遭受的最新挫折。The British team was returning home yesterday to lick its wounds after defeat by India.英国队负于印度队之后,于昨日回国休整。




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