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词汇 survive
例句 They managed to survive on his small salary.他们得以靠他微薄的薪水维持生活。There are too many families struggling to survive on low incomes.有太多的家庭正靠着低微的收入艰难地生活。They are adaptable foragers that learn to survive on a wide range of food sources.它们是适应能力很强的觅食者,赖以生存的食物来源很广。I don't know how you all manage to survive on Jeremy's salary.我真不知道你们只靠杰里米的薪水是怎样过活的。Friendless and jobless, he wondered how he would survive the year.没有朋友又没有工作,他不知道如何熬过这一年。I don't think I could survive another year as a teacher. It's just too stressful.再当一年老师我想我是挺不过去了,压力实在太大。They were the only people to survive the crash.他们是这次事故仅有的幸存者。The church is the only ancient building in the city to survive.这座教堂是这个城市仅存的古建筑。When the market economy is introduced, many factories will not survive.推行市场经济后,很多工厂将难以生存。During her illness, she never lost her will to live/survive.生病期间,她从未丧失活下去的决心。Of course, a number of factors will dictate how long an apple tree can survive.当然,影响一棵苹果树寿命的因素有很多。The car industry cannot survive without government help.没有政府的扶持,汽车业是挺不过去的。Few men survive an encounter with her!很少男人遇到她而不被迷倒!The company found it hard to survive in a changing marketplace.该公司发现在不断变化的市场中难以生存。It is so dry that only isolated trees and low scrub can survive there.气候十分干燥,只有一些零星树木和低矮灌木丛才能在那里生长。Farmers have learned that they have to migrate if they want to survive.农民们已经认识到,想要生存就必须外出打工。So why does one company survive a recession while its competitors fall by the wayside?那么为什么一家公司度过了经济衰退期,而其他竞争对手都中途倒闭了呢?No business can survive without a capital account.企业没有资产净值就无法生存。She relied on her native cunning to survive.她依赖天生的机灵活了下来。Galwey had filled the submarines' inflatable dinghies with oxygen, enabling the men to refresh their air supply and survive.高尔韦给潜水艇的充气小艇充满氧气,使得船员能够补充空气、存活下来。The front passengers were lucky to survive the accident.坐在前面的乘客幸免于难。Some prisoners defend this practice as the only way to survive.一些囚犯捍卫这种做法,因为只有这样才能生存。How can she survive when she has no visible means of support? 如果没有维持生计的手段,她怎么能生存呢?Companies need to keep to deadlines if they are to survive and thrive.公司如果想要生存和发展,必须在截止日期前完成任务。It seemed impossible that these frail boats could survive in such a storm.这些单薄的小船哪能经得起这样的狂风暴雨。How did he survive his icy plunge?突然落入冰冷的水中,他是如何活下来的?She cannot hope to survive long in power.她不能指望长期掌权。It is doubtful that life could survive under such extreme conditions as these.在这种极端恶劣的条件下生命能否存活还很难说。Firms with large debts may not have the financial strength to survive a prolonged sales decline or a recession.负债多的公司可能缺乏经济实力承受销量长时间下降或经济衰退。If our business is to survive, we must be able to adapt to changing circumstances.如果我们想继续把生意做下去,我们必须能够适应千变万化的环境。There are going to be cutbacks and we are not sure that the project will survive.经费将会被削减,我们不确定这个项目是否能保留。Only a few of Leonardo's earlier paintings still survive.达·芬奇的早期画作只有少数几幅得以保存下来。Only animals with strong constitutions are able to survive the island's harsh winters.只有体格强壮的动物才能挨过岛上的严冬。Only a few passengers managed to survive the crash.只有少数乘客在这次撞车事故中幸存。They can't survive on their own in the wilderness.他们没法独立在野外生存。Noqreh's aspirations dissolve as the need to survive takes precedence.当生存变得更重要时,诺克莱的远大志向不复存在了。Dana isn't strong enough to survive the operation at this time.达娜这次身体不够强健,挺不过这个手术。How does the family survive on such a small monthly wage?这一家的月收入这么少,怎么活命呢?He will have to make major adjustments to his thinking if he is to survive in office.要想保住这份工作,他就必须在观念上作出重大的转变。Considerable remains survive of the great city walls.城墙有很大一部分保存了下来。




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