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词汇 to retire
例句 After his third successive election defeat he decided to retire from politics.他连续三次竞选失败之后决定退出政坛。Some people expect him to retire, but he says that nothing could be further from his mind. 有些人以为他会退休,但他说自己根本没有这样的打算。His poor health was a contributory factor in his decision to retire.体弱多病是使他决定退休的一个因素。These people could afford to retire to Florida but they'd just as soon stay put.这些人有足够的钱可以去佛罗里达安度退休生活,可是他们却宁愿留在原来的地方。The manufacturer plans to retire that car model in a few years.制造商计划在几年之后淘汰这一车型。I hope to retire in a year / in a year's time.我希望一年后退休。In a few years, I'll be eligible to retire.再过几年我就可以退休了。The headquarters ordered them to retire their troops from the front.司令部命令他们将部队从前线撤回。I've had a good run for my money, but it's time to retire.我长期以来都很顺利,但现在该是引退的时候了。I have decided to retire from Formula One racing at the end of the season.我已经决定在这个赛季末结束一级方程式赛车生涯。He struck out Jones to retire the side. 他令琼斯三击不中出局,结束了那一局的比赛。Donald wants to retire and open up a bookshop.唐纳德想退休,然后开一家酒吧。I think it best that I advise you of my decision to retire.我想我最好告诉你我决定退役。I thought it best that I should advise you personally of my decision to retire.我认为最好还是亲自把退休的决定告诉你。She has expressed a wish to retire within the next two years.她说了希望在两年内退休。If they prove ineffective they should be demoted or asked to retire.如果事实证明他们已无力胜任,应该将他们降级或让他们退休。In the second game, her opponent hurt her leg and had to retire.在第二局,她的对手拉伤了腿,不得不退出比赛。If they can bring off the deal, they'll be able to retire.如果他们能够做成这笔交易,他们就可以退休了。She was forced to retire early due to ill health.她因健康不佳不得不提前退休了。Weakness compelled him to retire early.他因身体虚弱而较早退休。I decided it was time for me to retire from teaching.我认为是时候离开教学岗位了。He won't be eligible to retire until next year.他要到明年才有资格退休。Mr McNeil is due to retire later this month.麦克尼尔先生这个月晚些时候就该退休了。I like to retire early whenever I can.只要可能我就喜欢早睡。There were outside influences that affected his decision to retire early.一些工作以外的影响使他决定早日退休。He is planning to retire from politics next year.他打算明年退出政坛。After talking it over with my wife, I've decided to retire.和妻子仔细地商量过后,我决定退休。The accumulative effect of his injuries forced him to retire.他的伤势越来越严重,只好退休。The army was forced to retire from the battlefield.军队被迫撤离战场。They were able to retire on their savings.有了这些存款,他们可以退休了。As a way of reducing the workforce, workers are being offered cash inducements to retire.作为一种减少劳动力的方法,给工人们现金诱使他们退休。She had to retire during the first set because of a muscle strain.由于肌肉扭伤,她只好在首局比赛就退出了。It would be nice to be able to afford to retire earlier.无后顾之忧而能提早退休当是件幸事。He had to retire due to ill health.他因为身体不好只好退休。Despite the changes, he did not waver from his plan to retire.尽管情况有变,但他没有改变自己的退休计划。We plan to retire in/to Florida. = We plan to retire and move to Florida.我们打算退休后把家搬到佛罗里达州。One of the most serious injuries was to Simon Littlejohn, who was forced to retire from the race with a leg injury.伤势最重的人之一是西蒙·利特尔约翰,他腿部受伤,被迫退出了比赛。As for me, I am quite ready to retire.至于我,我已做好了退休的准备。He had to retire because of ill health.他因为健康问题不得不退休。Professor Johnson has indicated his intention to retire at the end of next year.约翰逊教授表示打算明年年底退休。




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