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词汇 to reverse
例句 The bank reserves the right to reverse any transfers or payments.银行保留撤销任何转账或支付操作的权利。You'll have to reverse to let them pass.你得倒一下车,让他们过去。MPs have accused the government of obduracy and called on ministers to reverse their decision.议员指责政府顽固不化,呼吁部长们改变决定。Increasingly, there is pressure on the council to reverse its decision.要求市政会推翻其决定的压力越来越大。Teachers are trying to reverse the general trend of lower test scores.老师们正试图扭转测试成绩总体上的下降趋势。There is no way to reverse the aging process.衰老过程是无法阻止的。The country's highly respected Finance Ministry is facing a crisis of confidence that will be difficult to reverse.该国威望很高的财政部正面临难以扭转的信任危机。Can anything be done to reverse this trend?有什么办法扭转这种倾向吗?The company had to do something to reverse its sliding fortunes.公司必须采取措施来转变其下滑的运势。The longer the economic decline is allowed to go on the more difficult it will be to reverse it.经济衰退持续的时间越长,恢复就越困难。The company had to do something to reverse its sliding fortunes.这个公司不得不采取一些措施扭转下滑的运势。He expressed great regret and said that surgeons would attempt to reverse the operation.他深表歉意,说外科医生会努力消除手术造成的损伤。The new manager hoped to reverse the decline in the company's fortunes.新经理希望能够扭转公司江河日下的状况。You need to reverse the paper in the printer so that the letterhead is up.你需要把打印机里的纸倒过来,这样抬头就会在上面了。It could well be that it is too late for us to reverse the effects of global warming.我们要逆转全球变暖带来的影响很可能为时已晚了。He accidentally dented the garage door, trying to reverse in.他倒车进车库的时候不小心撞凹了车库的门。Some surgeons are working hard on a satisfactory way to reverse vasectomies.一些外科医师正在努力工作,以研究出一种重新接上被切除的输精管的好方法。The people have asserted their power and that will be very difficult to reverse.人民已经维护了其当家作主的权力,这将难以改变。There was only one shop where I was unable to turn round and had to reverse out.只有一家商店我没法掉头,只能倒出去。This government promises to reverse industrial decay.这届政府承诺扭转工业衰退的局面。The college is trying to reverse the decline in applicants. 这所大学正在努力扭转申请人数下降的局面。The Congress wants to reverse the reforms and usurp the power of the presidency.议会企图颠覆改革,夺取总统权力。Cities are expanding and using up more and more of the desert. Our aim is to reverse this trend and to protect our open spaces.城市在扩张,蚕食越来越多的荒原地。我们的目标是改变这一趋势,保护空地。More changes are required to reverse the trend towards centralised power.要想扭转权力集中的趋势就得进行更多的改革。




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