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词汇 supplement
例句 Business sponsorship must be a supplement to, not a substitute for, public funding.商业赞助必须是公共基金的一种补充,而不能取而代之。There is a supplement to pay for a single room.单人间要加收费用。He busked to supplement his meagre wages.他靠街头卖艺来贴补微薄的工资。A supplement is payable for a single room.单人房应补交房款。The farmer adds a supplement to the horse's feed.农场主在马的饲料中加了一份补充物。Some people may be entitled to a housing benefit supplement.有些人可能有资格拿到住房补贴。Sarton has been moonlighting for five years to supplement his income.萨顿五年来一直在晚上兼职以贴补收入。He sometimes eats fish as a supplement to his vegetarian diet.他平时吃素,有时吃点鱼补充一下营养。There is a supplement on rooms with a sea view.海景房要收取附加费。This full-colour supplement includes full race details, plus a comprehensive run-down on all the British hopefuls.这份全彩附录包含了完整的比赛信息和对所有可能获胜的英国运动员的详细介绍。Single rooms are available at a supplement.入住单间需支付附加费。I take a vitamin supplement every day.我每天服一次维生素补充剂。Soldiers in both countries supplement their incomes with payoffs from drugs exporters.两国士兵都用毒品走私贩的贿赂来贴补收入。Mary found it necessary to supplement her earnings by writing articles for magazines.玛丽觉得有必要给杂志写点文章以增加收入。Many women took in washing to supplement the income of their menfolk.很多妇女承揽洗衣服的活儿来贴补男人的收入。If you want to travel on a different day, a flight supplement is payable.如需改签另一天的航班,需要支付航班附加费。They eat fish as a supplement to their natural diet.他们吃鱼,作为对其常吃的天然食物的补充。Our special supplement is packed with ideas for healthy hair.我们的特别增刊中充满了让秀发健康靓丽的奇思妙想。She got a part-time job to supplement the family income.她找了一个兼职工作以补充家庭收入。To sit in the first-class Pullman on the boat train required payment of a supplement.要坐上港口联运列车的头等普尔曼式车厢需要额外多付钱。The payments are a supplement to his usual salary.这些款项是对他平常工资的补充。The guides sometimes receive gratuities from the tourists, which supplement their salaries.导游有时会从游客那里得到小费,这使他们在薪金之外又增加一些收入。The soldiers supplement their incomes with payoffs from drugs exporters.士兵们通过毒品走私犯的贿赂来充实自己的腰包。This document is a supplement to the main report.这是主要报告的补充文件。She took in sewing to supplement her income.她接针线活以贴补收入。First-class accommodation is available for a supplement.使用头等舱位需额外付费。Heat from the chimneys is pumped back in to supplement the heating system.烟囱的热能被回吸进供热设备以增强其热力。Tracy gives her children vitamin pills to supplement their diet.特蕾西给孩子们服用维生素药片以补充他们饮食中的营养。We charge a small supplement for this service.我们这项服务要收取少量附加费。He sells his paintings to supplement his income. = He supplements his income by selling his paintings.他卖掉画作以增加收入。You can avoid the single supplement by agreeing to share a twin room.你若同意合住双人房间就可以省下单间附加费了。Weekend flights carry a supplement.周末航班要收附加费。The newspaper publishes a sports supplement every Monday.这家报纸每周一出版一份体育副刊。The money they get from fruit-picking is often a supplement to incomes earned in the town.他们靠采摘水果所得的钱常常是城里所挣收入的补贴。She's just had an article published in their weekend supplement.她刚在他们周末版的增刊上发表了一篇文章。Single people are treated as an aberration and made to pay a supplement.单身人士被视为另类,而且还要付额外的服务费用。




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