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词汇 罪行
例句 Her guilt was established beyond reasonable doubt.她的罪行确凿无疑。They got their just punishment for the crime.他们的罪行得到了应有的惩罚。He denies all guilt, even though he was caught in the act.他否认所有罪行,即便他是被当场抓住的。Police have represented her as a willing participant in the crimes.警方称她是完全自愿参与这些罪行的。They deserve punishment which matches the gravity of their crime.应当根据罪行的严重性来惩治他们。The victim's family do not believe that this punishment fits the crime.受害者的家人认为这一惩罚与他所犯的罪行不相称。He feels/has no compunction about his crimes.他对自己的罪行毫无悔意。The offence is punishable by either a fine or imprisonment.对这种罪行可处以罚款或监禁。They will be severely punished for their crimes.他们将会因所犯的罪行而受到严惩。What manner of man would commit such a crime?究竟谁会犯下这样的罪行This offence has a maximum penalty of two years' imprisonment.这种罪行最多可判两年监禁。She paid dearly for her crimes.她为自己的罪行付出了高昂的代价。Because of their past crimes, everything they do now will be subject to scrutiny.鉴于他们过去的罪行,他们现在的一举一动都要受到严密审查。They seem to think her crimes should be passed over in silence.他们似乎认为应该对她的罪行保持沉默。Police appealed to the public for information about the crime.警方呼吁公众提供与该罪行有关的消息。The sentence imposed in this case demonstrates the seriousness of environmental crimes.对该案的判决体现出破坏环境罪行的严重性。He forswore any knowledge of the crime.他坚决否认曾与闻这桩罪行The sentence was surprisingly light for such a serious offence.这么严重的罪行,其判刑之轻让人吃惊。The chief prosecutor told the court that Johnson was guilty of a horrible crime and asked for the maximum sentence.检察长指控约翰逊犯有重大罪行,要求法庭作出最严厉的判决。The crime elicited an outcry against illicit drugs.那起罪行引发了打击违禁药品的呼声。His criminal activities somehow evaded detection. 他的罪行不知怎么地还没有被发现。Possession of explosives is an extraditable offence.私藏炸药是足以被引渡的罪行His lawyers will argue that he was set up as a/the fall guy for crimes he had no part in.他的律师将辩称,他成了那些与他毫无关联的罪行中的替罪羊。The police conducted an investigation of the crime.警方对罪行进行调查。Even now, the full enormity of his crimes has not been exposed.甚至到现在为止,他那些罪行的严重性还没有被揭穿。He has no compunctions about his crimes.他对自己的罪行毫无悔意。The crime occurred in broad daylight.罪行发生在光天化日之下。Somewhat ingenuously, he explains how the crime may be accomplished.他有点天真地解释了这一罪行可能是如何实施的。A person who is charged with a crime is considered innocent until proved/proven guilty.被指控的人在证明其罪行成立前均做无罪推定。It was a barbarous crime.这是一桩灭绝人性的罪行There was a gross disparity between the pettiness of the crime and the severity of the sentence.罪行之轻与量刑之重之间极为不对等。Possession of cannabis will no longer be an arrestable offence.拥有大麻不再是会被逮捕的罪行了。The jury acquitted her of all charges.陪审团宣告她未犯所控诸项罪行No one believed him guilty of this terrible crime.没人相信他犯了如此可怕的罪行Her crimes brought shame upon her family.她的罪行使家人蒙羞。One of the accused got off lightly in exchange for pleading guilty to withholding information from Congress.一名被告承认了犯有对国会隐瞒信息的罪行,换得被从轻发落的结果。No one knows what may have influenced them to commit these crimes.没人知道他们会是受到了什么影响而犯下这些罪行的。Tremendous wrongs were being perpetrated on the poorest and least privileged human beings.对最贫穷和最没有特权的人们犯下了大量罪行These were particularly despicable crimes.这些是极其卑劣的罪行He must be made to answer for his terrible crimes.他必须为他的严重罪行付出代价。




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