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词汇 subordinates
例句 She found it a comedown to listen to her former subordinates.她觉得要听她以前部下的指挥很降格。He was as keen to divide and rule his subordinates as ever.他一向热衷于把自己的下属分而治之。Haig tended not to seek guidance from subordinates.黑格不愿向下属请教。He never won the respect of his subordinates.他从未赢得过部下的尊重。He disavowed the actions of his subordinates.他拒绝对部下的行为承担责任。Managers have to decide how much rope to give their subordinates.当经理的得决定可以给自己的下属多少自由。He left the routine checks to one of his subordinates.他把例行检查交给了一个下属负责。He is generous towards his subordinates.他待部属很宽厚。He is considering making restitution for the gifts he received from subordinates.他正在考虑对收自下属的礼品作出报偿。She communicated her ideas to her subordinates.她把她的意见传达给下属。She leaves the day-to-day running of the firm to her subordinates.她把公司的日常管理工作交给下属。He wouldn't listen to my beef against his subordinates.他不愿听我对他下属所发的牢骚。He looks for courtesy from his subordinates, but he doesn't expect them to lick his boots.他期待下属对他谦恭有礼,而并不希望他们拍马奉承。He is righteous in the treatment of his subordinates.他公正地对待下属。He is complimentary of his subordinates.他称赞他的下属。He treats his subordinates kindly.他对待下级和蔼可亲。She was liked both by colleagues and subordinates.她受到同级同事和下属的喜爱。Nearly all her subordinates adored her.几乎所有的下属都崇拜她。Costello will have five direct subordinates.科斯特洛将会有五个直接领导的下属。He often rates his subordinates.他常常训斥下属。He is always snapping at his subordinates.他老是在斥责部属。The idea of being evaluated by subordinates makes some managers uneasy.想到要由下属来评估自己,一些经理感到不安。




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