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词汇 看不见
例句 He took his glasses off and couldn't see a thing.他摘下眼镜,什么也看不见了。A few flaps of its long wings and the bird was gone.那只鸟扇动了几下长翅,就飞得看不见了。She couldn't see, but her ears told her that the guards had arrived.她虽然看不见,但是能听得出卫兵已经到了。Young rabbits are born blind and hairless.兔子生下来时看不见东西而且没有毛发。After years of close work, she could hardly see a thing if it was over a yard away.她多年来干的都是细活,一码以外的东西她就几乎看不见了。I can't see you in the picture.我在照片里看不见您。I can't see a thing without my glasses.不戴眼镜我什么东西也看不见The meadows are hardly visible from the house.从房子里几乎看不见草地。I watched the car until it was out of sight.我目送那辆汽车,直到看不见为止。The map on his desk was doubled over so I couldn't see it.他桌上的地图对折起来了,所以我看不见I can see nothing without my cheaters.没有眼镜,我什么也看不见I can't see anything.我什么也看不见He had to hunch over the steering wheel to see anything.他不伏在方向盘上就什么都看不见Louise can't see anything without her glasses.路易丝不戴眼镜什么也看不见The plane flew upwards and out of sight.飞机向上飞去,随即看不见了。There were carpets so thick that you could lose a cat in them.地毯那么厚,猫儿往里一陷都看不见了。He crouched down so he couldn't be seen.他蹲下来好让别人看不见他。She'd promised to give him driving lessons, on the quiet, when no one could see.她已经保证要在别人看不见的时候私下教他开车。The gas is invisible but highly dangerous.这种气体看不见,但非常危险。The yacht sailed away into the distance and out of sight.帆船驶往远处,逐渐看不见了。It was so dark that I couldn't see.天太黑,我看不见Her hat was blocking his view of the screen.她的帽子挡住了他的视野,使他看不见银幕。In the old animistic world view, people believed that nature was organised by invisible souls.过去信仰万物有灵论的人们认为自然是由看不见的灵魂安排的。Steve passed out on the floor and woke up blinded and in severe pain.史蒂夫昏倒在地板上,醒来后什么也看不见了,还感到剧烈的疼痛。She flurried and bustled, stuffing things out of sight.她手忙脚乱地把东西藏到了别人看不见的地方。His own problems have made him completely blind to the sufferings of others.他自己的烦恼使他完全看不见别人的痛苦。These tiny creatures are hardly visible to the naked eyes.这些微小的生物肉眼几乎看不见Land was still out of sight beyond the horizon.天际之外仍然看不见陆地的踪影。That was the morning I got up, and I couldn't see.就在那天早上,我起了床,什么也看不见He tends to drop out of sight for days at a stretch.常常一连几天都看不见他的人影。She was so polluted she could hardly see.她喝得烂醉,几乎看不见东西了。Not being able to hear doesn't seem as bad as not being able to see.看不见比听不到更让人难以忍受。I got sweat in my eyes and couldn't see.我眼里都是汗水,看不见了。A voice came from out of the darkness, but she couldn't see anyone.一个声音从暗处传来,可她看不见任何人。You are a model of tact, I don't think.你是足智多谋的代表人物,我看不见得。 The skin is covered with microscopic hairs, invisible to the naked eye.皮肤上都是肉眼看不见的细毛。The markings are white and not visible when the bird is at rest.当鸟儿停下不动时,标记是白色且看不见Outside, the fog was thick and impenetrable.外面的雾很浓,什么也看不见We could hardly see for the mist.由于水汽,我们几乎什么也看不见For me, a performance is in front of a microphone, over the radio, to an unseen audience.对我来说,表演就是在麦克风前对着看不见的听众通过无线电波进行的。




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