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例句 He was contemptuous of private farmers.看不起私营农场主。If you say that, people will just laugh at you.如果你那样说,人们就会看不起你。We were too poor to afford a doctor.我们太穷了,看不起病。The family was looked down on for being different.这家人与众不同,因此被人看不起He feels that wealthy people view/regard him with contempt because he is poor.他觉得因为他穷有钱人看不起他。By your dishonesty you've cheapened yourself in everyone's opinion.你为人不诚实,使自己被众人看不起He felt people were contemptuous of his lack of sophistication.他觉得人们看不起他不懂人情世故。Mr Garcia looks down on anyone who hasn't had a college education.加西亚先生看不起没有受过大学教育的人。She despised her parents' bourgeois lifestyle.看不起她父母庸俗的生活方式。Small wonder that many voters hold their politicians in contempt.无怪乎很多选民看不起他们的政治家。I felt that the other kids despised me for having the wrong accent and the wrong colour skin.我感到其他孩子看不起我,因为我没有和他们一样的口音和肤色。Nobody will think badly of you if you fail.如果你失败了没有人会看不起你。He was critical of the people, disparaging of their crude manners.他对那些人很有看法,看不起他们粗俗的举止。She looked down her nose at her neighbors.看不起邻居们。People who can't afford to go to the theatre or concerts can afford to go to football matches.看不起电影或听不起音乐会的人可以去观看足球赛。She was sensitive to bad reviews, even from people she did not reckon.她对负面评论很敏感,即使这些评论来自那些她看不起的人。Charles was uncomfortably aware of the woman's silent contempt for him.查尔斯不安地意识到,那妇人虽没说什么,但看不起他。The other children looked down on me because my parents were poor.别的孩子因为我父母很穷而看不起我。He despised him, notwithstanding the similar views they both held.尽管他们观点类似,他还是看不起他。He looks down on anyone who hasn't had a college education.看不起任何一个未受过大学教育的人。Most of the people in the club are snobs who look down on people who attended public schools.俱乐部里的大部分人都是势利眼,他们看不起上公立学校的人。For some reason, Malcolm had a down on the whole teaching profession.出于某种原因,马尔科姆看不起整个教书行业。He is deeply scornful of politicians.他非常看不起政客。He had this chip on his shoulder about my mum and dad thinking that they're better than him.他在我父母面前一脸晦气,觉得他们看不起他。The more moronic motorists of East Sussex despise walkers.东苏塞克斯郡那些更为愚蠢的开车者看不起步行者。The literary establishment generally looks down on artists.文学界一般说来看不起画家。They tend to look down their noses at people who drive small cars.他们往往看不起开小型汽车的人。He looks down his nose at anyone foreign.看不起外国人。She was disparaging about gays.她很看不起同性恋者。It is fashionable these days to pour scorn on those in public life.如今人们都看不起那些从事公务工作的人。Other boys despised him for a coward.其他男孩因他胆小而看不起他。Constant swearing cheapened him.经常骂人使他被人看不起He became a hero even in the eyes of those who had not cared for him before.他成了个英雄,即使在那些过去看不起他的人的眼里也是如此。She's very snobbish about people who live in the suburbs.她非常看不起住在郊区的人。He has contempt for those beyond his immediate family circle.看不起自己家庭圈子之外的人。People scorn me as a single parent.人们因为我一个人带着孩子就看不起我。




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